Engaging Faculty in the Use of Technology in Teaching: A Multi-Faceted Approach Rita R. Owens Associate Academic Vice President Boston College The New Media Consortium June 2005
Boston College Jesuit-Catholic University Enrollment - 15,000 Students 6 Colleges and School of Law Two campuses 600 Full time faculty 400 Adjunct faculty 150 University classrooms
The Boston College eLearning Story 1999-WebCT purchased and managed within Information Technology Services 2001-Early adopters account for 4% of BC courses with electronic component 2001-AVP and EVP call for eLearning strategic plan 2001-Instructional Technology Services group created under the AVP; WebCT moves here eLearning Programming and Support Funding begins to build 2004-BC offers first online course; new media rapidly grows within courses % of BC courses offered with an electronic component, mostly in-class extension
The Boston College eLearning Success Formula Strategy eLearning Infrastructure Partnerships Programming
Strategy eLearning strategic plan Executive buy-in Funding through undergraduate initiatives program Long-range financial plan inclusion Capital Improvements Faculty Leadership and Direction
eLearning Infrastructure Instructional Technology Services Staff Classroom Technology Upgrades Course Management and Course Development Software Ubiquitous computing environment
Instructional Technology Services Staff Mission Instructional Technology Services assists instructors who integrate technology into their teaching. Through consultation, training and support, research and development, and project management, we help instructors transition their teaching practice to one that supports the ever-growing technology-driven student population.
Classroom Technology Upgrade Program University Standards Established Five Year Classroom Upgrade Plan--75% complete Increased Technology Use in Classrooms a Direct Result
General Classroom Standard Basic level AV system The Black Box 2 Laptop connections DVD VCR Cable TV LCD projector Automatic screen control Campus telephone
Computerized Classroom Standard Macintosh G4 laptops Smartboard Sympodium Classroom Performance System DVD & VCR player LCD projector Automatic screen controls Sound reinforcement Cable TV Campus telephone
Specialized FacilitiesMoot Court
Course Management and Course Development Software WebCT Campus Edition, primary course management tool Xythos MyFiles Central Storage Mechanism BePress ePublishing ASP Digitool Digital Media Creation Environment
Ubiquitous Computing Environment Faculty/Staff Computing Replacement Program Student Laptop Recommendation Wireless Classrooms and Public Academic Areas
Partnerships Internal Infrastructure Partners Internal Design, Development and Oversight Partners External Partners and Collaborators
Internal Infrastructure Partners University Libraries: ePublishing capability, joint program sponsorship, digital library resources Information Technology Services: WebCT production environment, MyFiles storage environment, computer replacement Facilities Services: Classroom Technology Upgrade Program Management and Installation
Internal Design and Development Partners eLearning Action Group (elag) eLearning Teaching Group (etag) Reference Librarians Media Technology Services ITS Communication and Training
External Partners and Collaborators *Current and Emerging* AJCU/JesuitNet Northeastern University MIT New Media Consortium MERLOT TLT Group
Programming Strategic Migrationfrom Training to Modeling Faculty Day to Academic Technology Week to Focused Events Faculty Involvement- Moderating and Mentoring Recognizing Achievement and Innovation
Faculty Technology Day-to-Academic Technology Week-to-Focused Events Faculty Technology Day: Academic Technology Week: Three Symposia: ePublishing, eLearning, eTeaching: Faculty Summer Workshop: 2004-onward
Faculty Technology Day: Presentations Hands-on Sessions Information Fair 100 participants
Academic Technology Week: course offerings Multiple speakers/presenters faculty members presented or provided instruction Vendors participated in the program 250 Participants
Focused Events Fall 2003-present ePublishing Symposium eLearning Symposium eTeaching Symposium Faculty Summer Workshops (2 Week Mini-course)
Focused Events 2003-present Three 50-minute presentations by Boston College faculty Plenary speaker or panel presentation Over 100 participants at each program Focused on modeling Created demand … I can do that … I want to do that in my course.
Faculty Summer Workshop Video
Faculty Involvement- Moderating and Mentoring FMRC and Faculty Moderators Faculty Mentors Academic Technology Advisory Board Academic Technology Forum
Recognizing Innovation and Achievement Summer Faculty Workshop Selection Process Teaching and Mentoring Grants AnDover Weekends Teaching with New Media Awards (TWIN)
Teaching with New Media Awards TWIN Innovation Multiple uses of technology Originality Changes in course pedagogy (due to technology) Improved interaction with students
Evan Kantrowitz-Summa Cum Laude Chemistry Department CH561 – Biochemistry I (Dr. Kantrowitz) is constantly improving the course through use of all the technology available to him so that students can best understand the material.
TWIN Award Recipient WebCT 3D models Software to explore protein and enzyme models Benefits? –Made the invisible visible –Easier access to programs, not limited by lab environments.
Groovy Glasses included in Tuition….
Bonnie JeffersonSumma Cum Laude Communication Department CO010 – The Rhetorical Tradition The technology used in and outside the classroom has made me a more attentive student as well as taught me how to identify the concepts taught in class when they are used in real-world media. I love Prof. Jefferson!
TWIN Award Recipient WebCT –Interactive syllabus –Video and Audio –External media sites Discussions boards The Benefit? –Material available at any time. –Regular opportunities for student and student to instructor interaction.
Our Results Dramatic by our standards…
WebCT Usage Growth: Course Sites Totals in Spring 2005 equal 47% of courses offered for the semester
WebCT Usage Growth: Students As of Spring 2005, 81% of all BC students have at least one course with a WebCT site
Whats Next Organizational Growth & Development Online course and degree programs WebCT VISTA Implementation Targeting Areas of Excellence with Outside Grant Funding Collaborative Instructional Services Center
Lessons Learned Breadth of results achieved through major programs Depth of results achieved through focused programs Faculty Peer-to-Peer sharing works best, for all parties Exposure to outside speakers is invaluable Project Management is as important as design services Supplying the right infrastructure and tools gives eLearning traction The right faculty involvement makes it stick
Questions? Rita R. Owens