Ken Havens - INC Assistant Moderator Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the North American Numbering Council (NANC) May 13, 2003 Dana Smith - INC Moderator Ken Havens - INC Assistant Moderator
INC Meetings Most Recent Meeting: May 6-9, 2003 in Tampa, FL Next Meeting: July 29-August 1, 2003 in Denver, CO Details on all future meetings can be found at:
VoIP Workshop The INC VoIP Workshop is creating a comparison matrix examining why or why not various subject areas are of concern.
LNPA Workshop Issue 359 – “Adding Full NXX Request to Part 1A” was tabled. The decision made by the FCC on Change Order 11 will indicate to INC how to proceed on Issue 359. Issue 369 – “Forecasting” remains tabled pending FCC decision on the NANC Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) recommendation regarding PAS forecasts.
CO/NXX Workshop INC in conjunction with the NANC LNPA Working Group has completed its work on the Code Holder/LERG Assignee Exit Procedures. Included in these procedures is the following assumption: If there are no active or pending ports on the returned NXX code pending disconnect, the NPAC will use the Part 3 disconnect information received via email from the NANPA to remove the capability to port numbers from the returned NXX code 15 business days prior to the effective date of the disconnect. This removal will cause any new port attempts against the returned NXX code to fail at the user interface, thus avoiding additional impediments to the code return process. Since INC views this as a policy decision, INC requests that NANC concur with the above assumption and so note it in today’s meeting record. This concludes INC’s work related to the LNPA Working Group’s PIMs 14, 15, 20, and 21.
DMM Workshop The INC is struggling to develop an administrative process in order to coordinate publication of INC guidelines with the approval of system changes resulting from NANPA/PA change orders. Implementing guideline changes when there are outstanding change orders has created problems If change orders are approved and implemented, resolutions may no longer apply or may adversely impact current procedures If change orders are not approved, INC may need to cancel or rework active related issues
INC Issue Summary for Active Workshops CIC CO/NXX DMM LNPA VoIP Total Active 1 4 14 Initial Closure 5 9 Resolved 17 66 57 76 216 Resolved But Awaiting Implementation (In “Hopper”) 2 7 New Issues Since Last NANC Meeting: 8 * Total Issues Resolved Since INC Inception: 303 Issues With No National Agreements: * includes workshops that have been sunset or are inactive
Relevant INC Web Sites INC Homepage (front page to all INC links): INC Calendar (future meeting logistics/agendas): INC Issues (historical and active links): INC Meeting Records: INC Published Documents: