Invertebrate's-Porifera By: Gabe wagenman and evan barber
General description Pore bearers-feed of many pores instead of mouth classified as animals multicellular, heterotrophic, lack cell wall specialized cells. Oldest members of the Animalia kingdom
Symmetry Only asymmetrical body plans Spicules (tiny structural elements) make up the body structure of the sponge Choanocytes are cells that line the interior of the sponge
Feeding Porifera's are filter feeders THey feed on bacteria and other food particles Filter feeder is feeding by filtering out plankton and other nutrients
Circulation Diffusion- When the body acquires oxygen, diffusion takes place Osculum- large aperture which expels water
Response No distinct nervous system No nerve cells No brain cells Collagen- is protein found in skin and other connective tissue
MOVEMENT Sponges are sessile organisms, meaning they stay in one place
Reproduction Asexually R
Respiration No respiratory system Oxygen gained from water passing through
Major Classes Calcarea or Calcispongiae: Hexactinellida or Hyalospongiae: Demospongiae: