Professor David Eastwood Chief Executive Higher Education Funding Council for England UUK workshop on Research Information and Management 5 December 2007 Optimising research management and assessment processes
HEFCE recurrent funding for research £1,415 million in 2007-08 to support research infrastucture, including: Salaries of permanent academic staff Premises Libraries Central computing costs
Research evaluation and funding after RAE 2008 Research Excellence Framework: the timeline November 2007 – February 2008 Consultation on key elements of the framework and on implementing bibliometric indicators Further work on developing bibliometric techniques March – August 2008 Major pilot of our proposed approach involving HEIs Autumn 2008 Decisions on the framework and indicators to be used for science January 2009 Launch of full bibliometrics exercise in the sciences November 2009 Output of bm exercise available for use in funding; decisions on funding approach phased in from 2010 From late 2009 Consult on implementation of light touch peer review to run in 2013
Information management – what is happening now? Scholarly communications Immediate access to everything – and archiving and data storage Delivery to the desktop Finding and sifting online information Ordering research information
Open Access We will…continue to encourage the effective sharing of research findings and outcomes, both to support research and teaching within HE and to inform the wider public. To achieve this we will work with partners to improve systems for researchers to share information and disseminate outputs as widely as possible including through new technology. HEFCE strategic plan 2006-11
Open access principles Whatever business model is adopted must include: rigorous quality assurance – including through independent peer review long term storage and accessibility of text and data reasonable cost
HEFCE support for research information management JISC Research Information Network UK Research Reserve - pilot