By: Kelly, Shania, Derek, Travis, and Cormac


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Presentation transcript:

By: Kelly, Shania, Derek, Travis, and Cormac Nervous System By: Kelly, Shania, Derek, Travis, and Cormac

What is the nervous system? The nervous system coordinates and controls all organs; detects, responds and processes stimuli Only one nervous tissue makes up the nervous system Nervous tissue: tissue of the brain, spinal chord and nerves Remember: The nervous tissue make up the nervous system

Neurons and Dendrites Neurons: cells that receive and transmit information Dendrites: small branches of the cell This is where the neuron receives messages from Axon: a long extension of the cell that ends in small branches It transmits information to neighboring cells (Diagram of the neurons and the path on page 147) Neurons

Central and Peripheral Nervous System 2 of the most important divisions in the nervous system are the central and peripheral nervous system Central nervous system includes your brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system is made up of the head and spinal cord MRI of brain

Peripheral Nervous System There are two types of neurons in the peripheral nervous system: Sensory neurons carry information from the body to the central nervous system Motor neurons carry information from the central nervous system to the muscles or organs Somatic Nervous System: voluntary responses Autonomic Nervous System: automatic responses

Central Nervous System- The Brain The brain is divided into 3 main sections: The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain The medulla is the innermost part of the brain The cerebellum is a part of the brain in the back of the head Interneuron: connects one neuron to another (Diagram of what each part of the brain does on page 148) Reflex: automatic response by the nervous system

Fun Facts About the Nervous System! There are more nerve cells in the human body than the stars in the Milky Way If we lined up all the neurons in our body, it would be around 600 miles long There are 100 billion neurons in your brain alone! Neurons are the largest cells in the human body.