Shugborough 2017 8th- 12th May Please turn off all mobile phones.
Purpose To fulfil the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum. To increase outdoor skills and awareness, and broaden horizons. To improve social and team work skills. A well deserved reward after the year of hard work.
Leave at 9.30 am (ish) on Monday – return at approx 3pm on Friday. Transport Leave at 9.30 am (ish) on Monday – return at approx 3pm on Friday. When we return, we will bring the children into the hall with their belongings and once we have handed out any medicines, we will let parents in to collect.
Tents are provided and are set up by the children on arrival. Camping Everything that is packed must be carried by the children – no kitchen sinks allowed! Tents are provided and are set up by the children on arrival. Girls’ and boys’ tents are separate. The children know where the teachers’ tents are. The site is fenced and positioned away from public areas. The roads/paths on site are lit at night. Maximum of 3 in a tent.
Separate toilets / shower rooms – well lit at night. Facilities Separate toilets / shower rooms – well lit at night. Dining room – used by all schools throughout the day. Supplies 2 hot meals a day and a packed lunch. (Please inform us of any allergies or dietary problems) Classrooms/yurt – used as a meeting point and as a base for activities in bad weather. Tuck shop – opens every evening selling sweets/chocolate/water and souvenirs. (No more than £15! Please send as much as possible in change.) Drying room – used to dry clothes after poor weather and canoeing (will be used by every child on site that week, therefore clothes must be named and collected as soon as they are dry!) (Initials and WPS)
Activities Climbing BMXing Traversing Orienteering Day walk Canoeing Team building and geographical activities All activities are lead by qualified staff members. Children wear clothing appropriate to the activity. Specialist equipment is provided. Free time is available after most activities depending on the length. Long hair must be tied up – no hair gel.
Kit As on the kit list. Old clothes are often better than brand new ones. Old trainers or pumps are essential. Everything must be named. (WPS) No electrical items! Shugborough is a mobile free zone! Plastic bags/ bin bags for washing and/or wet clothes.
There are very few serious accidents! Medical problems and illness Medical forms need to be completed and will be given out the week before we leave, these will need to be given back as soon as possible so they can be checked through. Medication is handed to staff on the Monday morning in a clearly marked envelope (supplied) along with the medical form which gives staff permission to administer the medicine. In the event of illness you will be contacted immediately – we will need a 24 hour a day contact number. All the centre staff are first aid trained (one of which sleeps on site each night). Mrs Bennett is also first aid trained. There are very few serious accidents!
We expect exemplary behaviour from all our children. We are always complimented on our high standards and expect this year to be the same! Any serious misbehaviour will result in the sending home of the children involved.
Or send us a Dojo message Any questions? If you think of any questions you would like to ask at a later date please ring or e-mail. Or send us a Dojo message