Nursery to P1 Transition Dunbar Primary School 2019
Aims: Nursery/P1 transition programme General Information Read Write Inc Getting ready for P1 – What Can I do? Any Questions?
Weekly playtimes Nursery rooms play in big playground, building up to whole Nursery together and have a playtime with P1.
Nursery rooms will visit the Healthy Snack Trolley. Snacks costs 20p.
Friday 24th May 11am- collect your child from nursery room School Lunches Every child has the opportunity to bring a packed lunch before starting school. Friday 24th May 11am- collect your child from nursery room
SchoolPay is a secure online payments system that allows parents/carers the ability to pay for school related items for their child(ren) online, and will offer a host of easy to use features, including the following: Provide you with your own personal account, to pay and track all school payments, including school meals and larger items such as school trips. Pre-order meals for your child in advance, giving you options and choice for their lunch. Manage costs for all of your children – across nursery, primary and secondary schools - from the same account, making things easier and faster for you. Enable you to see, at any time, what your balance information is regarding these payments. School Pay
One of the major advantages is that you can discuss school lunch options with your child at home and pre-order with them at the time. Information to support you in setting up your School Pay account can be found at Please take the time to set up your School Pay account
Visiting Classrooms Pupils spend time in P1 classrooms when it is empty and then work on joint learning activities with a P1 ‘buddy class’.
Academic Transition The information that is in our Nursery Learning Journey folders will transfer into P1.
to assembly on a Friday morning. We will start to go to assembly on a Friday morning.
Library Weekly PE/Hall time Music
School Staff Playground supervisors, Office staff and janitor come and visit the children in their Nursery rooms.
Meet your New teacher and visit your new P1 classroom. Children and parents on 21st June 2019 at 12:45pm
Term Dates First day is Wednesday 14th August 2019 8.45am – 2.50 Monday –Thursday 8.45-12.10 -Friday September break: Friday 13th / Monday 16th
General Info Names on everything! Waterproof coat PE bags – PE kit indoor / outdoor Reading bags Snack money 20p or one snack Allergies – NO NUTS Sports top water bottle / only water in the bottles Medication + Forms (office) No toys please (keyring on bag)
Read, Write Inc
Getting Ready for School How can I help?
Remember… If you are anxious they will be too. Be positive Keep calm Children pick up on your feelings and attitudes to school and staff If you are anxious they will be too. Be positive Keep calm Don’t over play it! Expect tiredness! Expect tears at first or later as children realise its everyday… ALL day!
Independence Fastening coats, changing shoes and clothes. Packing/organising bags. Toileting independently/asking to go
Cursive loops/mark making Focus on making continual loops from one side to the next Not in CAPITAL LETTERS Children with strong fine motor but not writing letters have had most success.
“The greatest early marker of a child’s future academic achievement is the number of words in their vocabulary when they start school.” Dr Sarah McGeown Read, Read and Read More
E.g. how many steps to the gate? Exploring numbers Play games that involve recognising numbers, ordering numbers and counting / matching items. Use dice and dominoes and look at the patterns. Use numbers/counting in daily life E.g. how many steps to the gate?
Maths All Around Shapes in the environment Comparing things which are heavy and light or long and short. Cooking Can we sort by size or colour our toys/socks/shopping? Playing shops Making musical patterns – clapping, counting, keep the beat.
Speech and Language Therapy NHS Lothian Children’s Speech and Language Therapy department provides a range of services working with families and staff to support children’s communication skills and/or eating, drinking and swallowing needs. This might include: Children who are taking longer than expected to learn to talk Children with limited vocabulary, who struggle to form sentences, or who get their words and sentences muddled up. Children who find it difficult to understand what others are saying. Children who struggle to communicate socially with others. Children who struggle to say certain sounds or make themselves understood. Children who stammer.
How to contact us and further information Telephone helpline every Tuesday between 13.30pm and 16.00pm for parents and professionals to ring discuss any concerns they may have about a child’s communication skills. Number is 0131 446 4136. Website contains lots of information How to contact us and further information
What Next? This power point will be posted on the school blog You will be kept up to date about further transition information via the newsletter, letters and emails We look forward to seeing you all on the 21st June for your child meeting their new teacher What Next?