Il Portale GENIUS Alberto Falzone NICE srl Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL


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Presentation transcript:

Il Portale GENIUS Alberto Falzone NICE srl Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL Catania, 14-15.03.2006

A grid portal: why and how It can be accessed from everywhere and by “everything” (desktop, laptop, PDA, cell phone). It can keep the same user interface to several back- ends. It must be redundantly “secure” at all levels: 1) secure for web transactions, 2) secure for user credentials, 3) secure for user authentication, 4) secure at VO/VOMS level. All available grid services must be incorporated in a logic way, just “one mouse click away”. Its layout must be easily understandable and user friendly. Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

The Web-centric vision Clients Standard Web Browser Licenses & Data Grid / Compute Farm Interactive Apps Inter/Intranet Server(s) Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS architecture Portlet Contaiers 3rd party Apps RSS Clients JSR168 Portlet Contaiers WSDL/SOAP 3rd party Apps HTTP RSS Clients End users Classic GENIUS Portlet GW WS GW RSS GW VO n - XML Application Kit VO 1 - XML Presentation engine MyProxy auth. w/ VOMS extensions Authentication – ACL management VNC remote Desktop over SSL General XML Application Kits Monitoring & Accounting Data Management & Virtualization EGEE middleware LCG-2 / gLite Local Data Distributed Data Globus middleware Compute resources Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: new version Powered by EnginFrame 4.1 !! The Stack on the User Interface: Apache + Mod_JK2 ; Mod_SSL for secure encrypted connections ; Tomcat as servlets container ; EnginFrame 4.1 as core of 3-tier model Thanks to New EF 4.1 features, NOW GENIUS Portal can export its services in JSR168 as portlets! New Flexibility of EF 4.1 improves the ways to write the code for grid integrations: plugins as independent modules Improved virtualization of Remote File Browsing A power GridML has been created for Job details Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: how it works the Grid https+java/xml+rfb WEB Browser GENIUS 3-tier model https+java/xml+rfb WEB Browser GENIUS Apache + Tomcat Local WS EnginFrame the Grid M/W+GSI gLite UI Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

The GENIUS hourglass model Grid Enabled web eNvironment for site Independent User job Submission INFN / NICE Collaboration GENIUS web portal OS & Net services Basic Services High level GRID middleware ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb Applications’ specific layer Other apps GLOBUS toolkit EGEE (LCG/gLite) architecture Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS Portal Reference Web Site: Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: files management SSL Encryption ! Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: files management OS authority Both authorities os and genius are distinct: we have services with differen authority! Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: files management Remote File Browser On the User Interface Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: files management Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: files management Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: files management <ef:service id="edit-file"> <ef:name>View/Edit a File</ef:name> <ef:info>With this service you may edit a file in your home directory. </ef:info> <ef:option id="filetoedit" label="Select File to View/Edit" type="rfb" base="${HOME}" target="@genius"/> <ef:action id="view" label="View"> $EF_ROOT/plugins/genius/bin/ view-file <ef:result type="text/html"/> </ef:action> <ef:action id="edit" label="Edit"> $EF_ROOT/plugins/genius/bin/ edit-file <ef:result type="text/xml"/> </ef:service> Multiple Action in a Single Service Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: files management HTML fragment for better grouping of options in a service, i.e. <table> Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Grid Authentication with Myproxy myproxy-get-delegation Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Grid authentication with MyProxy UI MyProxy Server grid-proxy-init myproxy-init Now, VOMS Extensions needed to run jobs on the GRID ( --voms <voms_vo_name>) myproxy-get-delegation GENIUS Server (UI) WEB Browser the Grid execution Local WS output any grid service Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: security Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: preferences Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: preferences Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: preferences Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Server List Management GENIUS: preferences Custom MyProxy Server List Management Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Job Submission Preferences are on the horinzontal bar after successful login to the Grid (under genius authority) Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Job Submission Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Job Submission Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Job Submission Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

EF XML Dialect sample: job-submit service <ef:service id="job-submit" authority="genius"> <ef:name>Job Submission</ef:name> <ef:info>Please, select a JDL file to submit. You may also choose a Resource Broker to connect to.<br/> </ef:info> <ef:option id="jdl_file" label="JDL File" type="rfb" target="jdl@genius" base="$HOME"/> <ef:action id="submit" label="Next"> $EF_ROOT/plugins/genius/bin/ job-submit-next <ef:result type="text/xml"/> </ef:action> </ef:service> <ef:service id="job-submit-next" authority="genius" hidden="true"> <ef:info>Now you may also choose a specific Computing Element for your job.<br/> <ef:option id="jdl_file" label="JDL File Selected" type="hidden"></ef:option> <ef:option id="computing_element" label="Specify the CE Resource" type="list"> </ef:option> <ef:action id="submit" label="Submit Job"> $EF_ROOT/plugins/genius/bin/ job-submit <ef:result type="text/html"/> Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006 28

GENIUS: Job Queue Code for Job Queue management rewritten using GridML tags Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GridML sample: job <grid:job-list type="lsf" xmlns:grid=""> <grid:job type="lsf" id="4120"> <grid:owner>andrea</grid:owner> <grid:account>default</grid:account> <grid:status>DONE</grid:status> <grid:queue>priority</grid:queue> <grid:command>/usr/bin/spamc</grid:command> <grid:submission-time month="Jan" day="21" hour="23" minute="06" year="2005"/> <grid:submission-host>mail</grid:submission-host> <grid:submission-directory>$HOME</grid:submission-directory> <grid:execution-time month="Jan" day="21" hour="23" minute="06" year="2005"/> <grid:execution-host>mail</grid:execution-host> <grid:termination-time month="Jan" day="21" hour="23" minute="06" year="2005"/> <grid:total-cpu-usage>0.0</grid:total-cpu-usage> <grid:exit-code>0</grid:exit-code> </grid:job> </grid:job-list> Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006 30

GENIUS: Job Queue New Confirmation Message! Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Job Queue - Spooler After get-output operation on the grid, the user is redirected to the spooler temporary area, ready to download on laptop. The spooler management has been improved on EF 4.1 Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Job Queue - Spooler Actions can be performed as facilities in downloading operations! Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Job Queue - Spooler Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Integrated Tight VNC for the first time during early GENIUS GENIUS: Interactive Integrated Tight VNC for the first time during early GENIUS development! Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Interactive Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Data & Grid Catalogs Local Browse on laptop Remote Browse on UI (GENIUS Server) Extended Remote File Browse on Fireman/LFC Catalog Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Data & Grid Catalogs Extended Multiple Remote File Browsing on Catalog! Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Data & Grid Catalogs Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Data & Grid Catalogs The download process clones on EF Spooler the tree present on Catalog starting from root directory. Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Data & Grid Catalogs Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Data & Grid Catalogs Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS: Data & Grid Catalogs Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

DAG Jobs DAG job is a set of jobs where the input, output, or execution of one or more jobs depends on one or more other ones Dependencies are represented through Directed Acyclic Graphs, where the nodes are graphs, and the edges identify the dependencies nodeA nodeB nodeC NodeF nodeD Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

DAG Jobs [ type = "dag"; max_nodes_running = 4; nodes = [ nodeA = [ file ="nodes/nodeA.jdl" ; ]; nodeB = [ file ="nodes/nodeB.jdl" ; nodeC = [ file ="nodes/nodeC.jdl" ; nodeF = [ file ="nodes/nodeF.jdl"; dependencies = { {nodeA, nodeB}, {nodeA, nodeC},{nodeA, nodeF}, { {nodeB,nodeC,nodeF}, nodeD } } ; ] Node description could be done also here, instead of using separate file Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS & TRIANA Graphic Workflow Editor Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: PATSearch Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: CODESA-3D Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: CODESA-3D Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: CODESA-3D Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Sample App: CODESA-3D Final Output Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS Installation on UI GENIUS Repository at Write an email message to for an account request to download the GENIUS package root@gridba1:/opt/genius \>./ Performing the GENIUS Installation process, please wait. Adding efnobody user Please, maintain this user GENIUS/EnginFrame Portal installed under /opt/genius path. Please: 1. Copy your server certificate (public key) under /opt/genius/apache/conf/ssl.crt and and (private key) under /opt/genius/apache/conf/ssl.key 2. Replace the host certificate names in /opt/genius/apache/conf/ssl.conf (yourservercertificate), and in /opt/genius/etc/genius.conf files. 3. Copy the EnginFrame license key file you have obtained by NICE srl company with /opt/genius/enginframe/license/license.ef filename 4. Open on your iptables firewall the following TCP ports in INPUT: 443 (https), 5901:5999 and 7801:7900 ranges. 5. Please, start GENIUS Portal service with following command: /etc/init.d/genius start6. Now GENIUS Portal can be reached at GENIUS Team. root@gridba1:/opt/genius \> Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

GENIUS References GENIUS Portal (Reference main site) EnginFrame Framework GENIUS Repository at GENIUS based on gLite at Coordinator Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006

Q&A Q & A Thanks for your attention! Catania, Primo Tutorial TriGrid VL, 14-15.03.2006