Commission for Basic Systems, Technical Conference IATA-WMO Collaboration on Operation and Development of AMDAR Concept of Operations Curtis Marshall (USA, NWS) 26 March 2018
What is AMDAR? See: Aircraft Meteorological DAta Relay: A WMO observing system and program in which meteorological data is derived from an aircraft platform according to meteorological specification and for provision on the WMO Information System under a Public Private Partnership between WMO Member NMHS and their national airline carriers See:
Why Partner with IATA AMDAR – 40 airlines within 12 programs (800K observations per day) IATA now represents around 265 airlines in over 117 countries Carrying 83% of the world’s air traffic, IATA members include the world’s leading passenger and cargo airlines IATA to encourage airline participation History: an ad hoc approach of bringing together NMHMs and candidate airlines to establish national AMDAR programs IATA can bring organization and clout with the airlines to this process, encourage their participation, and: Bring simplified solutions to technical implementation (e.g., coordination with vendors and developers), program operations and agreement processes Bring Standardization to costs and renumeration Promote improved use of the data by the aviation industry Can serve a primary role in commercialization of the data to provide a revenue stream for Global AMDAR Programme operation and development
Progress So Far Dec. 2016: IATA presented Key Recommendations to WMO from a consultancy study on AMDAR and turbulence and both agreed to: Work together to expand the AMDAR program across the globe and establish a more equitable cost-recovery mechanism for the participating airlines IATA to set up a global turbulence database with real-time data transmission to airlines during flight operations. Early 2017: ET-ABO endorsed proceeding May 2017: EC approved Decision 12.2(2)/1 - to form Working Arrangement on AMDAR July 2017: WMO and IATA working arrangement put in place CBS/ET-ABO and IATA formed a team to work on collaboration and develop Concept of Operations throughout 2017
IWCAP Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
Establish a new governance structure 1. Establishing a better defined business relationship between AMDAR operators, data users, data providers and other stakeholders Establish a new governance structure Governance Board Management Unit WMO Ras WMO Technical Commission Experts Task Teams
Requirements for AMDAR established by each WMO region (6) 2. an improved process for the establishment and provision of requirements for AMDAR data by NMHSs and data users Requirements for AMDAR established by each WMO region (6) National requirements -> consolidated regional plan -> consolidated global plan Annual cycle with 3-5 year forward planning
Two funds established: 3. Development and implementation of a sustainable funding mechanism to support AMDAR operation and development and introduction of a simplified, uniform, equitable and centralized costing and remuneration system Two funds established: Operating Fund Expansion Fund Standardised, simplified fee structure supports both funds Members commit funds according to requirements Funds transferred to WMO IATA reimburses Airlines
4. More secure and better defined AMDAR data ownership and management practices Establish a new operational structure Implementation & Coordination team Ad hoc Task Teams Expertise drawn from organizational bodies & experts. Introduce Three Regional Data Processing Centres for data distribution on WIS Members licensed to use data for mandated met. purposes Data archived in GDC IATA responsible for 3rd party commercialisation of data
5. An expanded and enhanced global AMDAR data coverage Initial development and operation under new IWCAP aimed at program expansion and enhancement Initial focus on new developments in data-sparse areas Enhancement with water vapour measurement IATA to focus on industry uptake of turbulence monitoring and operations for airline use
Next Steps CONOPS and ToR for IWCA to be developed by end of 2017 by WMO & IATA ✓ IATA Secretariat Decision to endorse by late 2017 ✓ Side Event at WMO Regional Association VI 17th Session & Decision/Endorsement on RA VI Regional AMDAR Programme - early-Feb 2017 ✓ Possible Decision to endorse by WMO EC-70 - June 2018 Possible Decision to endorse by IATA GA - June 2018 Cg-2017 Resolution to endorse collaboration - mid-2019 IWCA Commence Development in 2019 (Region VI?) IWCA Commence Operations in 2020 (Region VI?) Expand to other regions (RAs) gradually
Action Proposed The Conference is invited to advise CBS Management Group on: Issue 1: Review and endorsement of the Concept of Operations for the IATA-WMO Collaborative AMDAR Programme Issue 2: Establishment of a CBS Task Team on the IATA-WMO Collaborative AMDAR Programme TT will define costing models, develop implementation plans, and clarify legal and agreements framework for the IWCAP
Questions / Discussion
Program IATA-WMO Collaboration on AMDAR Programme Operations, Concept of Operations - Curtis Marshall, NOAA, USA IATA role and perspective – Captain Brent King, IATA