Faculty & TEAMS new hires Close out the requisition before entering the hire ePAF Put the requisition number in the comment section of the ePAF Human Resources
Human Resources ePAFs Must put something in comment section: Classification (faculty, TEAMS, OPS, postdoc, grad asst.) Action Other notes to IFAS HR Notes to yourself Human Resources
I-9 Reverification Process Complete Section 3 of a new I-9, starting with box C. Attach the completed Section 3 of the I-9, along with the document that was updated to a recent ePAF. Email employment@ufl.edu to notify Employment Operations & Records (formerly Processing & Records). Include employee’s UFID number, visa type, and the ePAF number used to submit the reverification in the email.
Name and/or Gender Change Form Capture changes that may impact an employee’s benefits Required: Completed form Copy of SSN https://hr.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/name_genderchangeform.pdf
Faculty Market Equity & Counter Offers The Office of the Provost & UFHR are implementing a new SPI form for faculty market equity increases and counter offers. The form is similar to the SPI form used for staff, but is only required for market equity increases and counter offers. Other increases, such as adding and removing administrative supplements, will be processed using existing processes. https://hr.ufl.edu/forms-policies/forms-managers/
Voluntary FTE Change Form This form will replace FTE change letters for faculty and staff. FTE changes for faculty appointments must be approved by IFAS and the Associate Provost prior to the change in FTE. No retro changes. https://hr.ufl.edu/forms-policies/forms-managers/
Supervisor ID Updates For tenure-track faculty appointed at an REC, list the tenure chair. For non-tenure track faculty appointed at an REC, list the center director. For department chairs and center directors, list the SVP. Report: myUFL / Main Menu / Enterprise Reporting / Access Reporting / Human Resources Information / Workforce Information / Staff List with Supervisor Info by Department
Faculty Evaluations Annual faculty evaluations are to be completed by March 31. Retain the original evaluation form in your unit personnel files. Make a copy of the entire evaluation form and any letters that were written by the unit administrator and/or the faculty member. Send the copy to IFAS Human Resources, PO Box 110281 Do not send the instruction pages. Send evaluations for all faculty members. Postdoctoral Associates should be evaluated, but do not send a copy to IFAS HR. Send evaluations no later than April 30, 2019. http://hr.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf/FacultyEval.pdf