Computational modeling input and results. Computational modeling input and results. (A) Model network derived solely from RT-qPCR data. (B) Adjusted model network combining RT-qPCR and data gained by phenotyping FGF pathway mutants. (C) Simplified schematic of network shown in B used as a base for computational modeling with FINDOW parameter. Dashed arrows suggest a non-transcriptional effect. (D-F) Results of different levels of the FINDOW parameter (D=2.0; E=0.2; F=0.0) resemble the FGF pathway mutant phenotypes: from dense signal in a small area in D (similar to Spry2–/– tongues) to diffuse signal in a larger area in F (similar to Fgf10–/– tongues) with no primary effect on the number of papillae. (D′-F′) Detailed images of the papillary field. Michaela Prochazkova et al. Development 2017;144:2212-2221 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd