Art: Practical, cultural, & personal.
What is Art? Whether or not it is intended as art, an object made by a person shows that individual’s creativity and skill (Katter 1).
Practical Art… Much of the world’s art has been created to help people meet their daily needs. Today, almost all everyday objects that are designed by artists are mass-produced by machines (Katter 4). Think about the clothes you wear and the items in your home and school. Which do you think are beautiful or interesting to look at? What items can be improved upon and become more interesting to look at?
What practical function does this cup provide?
Would you consider this a work of art Would you consider this a work of art? Is it beautiful or interesting to look at? Discuss.
Why is this item categorized as practical art?
Cultural Art… We can learn a lot about different cultures by studying their art and architecture.
How does this mural reflect the culture of life in Mexico during the 1920’s & 30’s?
Can landscape define the culture of a population?
What is the original intention of these objects made by oceanic tribes?
Personal Art… An artist often creates a work of art to express his or her thoughts and feelings. The material an artist chooses and the way he or she makes the artwork reflect the artist’s personal style ( Katter 5).
French artist Marijah Bac Cam describes her work…"I explore art through impulsive gestural...The lines talk for me...they reflect my instinctive language...testifying of phenomena of culturing and unculturing that characterize my nomad sensory internal and external connections... I am mostly an artist painter but I also explore several media: art...poems are also my way to express my instinctive thoughts...." (
American artist Richard Spicer states, “I am inspired by the natural world, especially gained during a period living in the mountain ranges of the Alpes and Dolomites and their eerie almost lunar, alien quality.” (
Katter, Eldon, Marilyn G. Stewart: Art and the Human Experience. Resources: Katter, Eldon, Marilyn G. Stewart: Art and the Human Experience.