“Riddle Rangers” title graphic
show the “One Book, But Many” riddle graphic I am one Book, but also many. 39 books from the men of old. 27 books the new men told. 3 languages these books did speak: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
What book do you think this riddle is talking about What book do you think this riddle is talking about? (Call on a kid for the answer.) That’s right—it’s the Bible! (Hold up Bible.) The Bible is one big book about God’s love, (fan through the Bible) but it’s made up of 66 different smaller books. The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible. It has 39 books and tells the story of God’s people before Jesus was born.
The New Testament is the second part of the Bible The New Testament is the second part of the Bible. It has 27 books and tells the story of Jesus and the early days of God’s Church. Originally, the Bible was written in one of three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. But since then, it’s been translated into almost 3,000 languages—including English! Today, we’re going to discover why the Bible is the greatest book ever written.
Play “Riddle Rangers Video #1” You got it Play “Riddle Rangers Video #1” You got it! I’ll upload the answer to the Riddle Rangers right now (pretend to be typing answer onto laptop or tablet.) It’s pointing us toward 2 Timothy 3:16. (Turn in Bible and read.) It says, “God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right.”
PLAY “Riddle Rangers Video #2 Nice work PLAY “Riddle Rangers Video #2 Nice work! (Pretend to be typing answer onto laptop or tablet.) It says, “All God’s words are true. They last forever.” It’s about the Bible again! I don’t think these riddles are random at all—they seem to be pointing us toward something, but I wonder what it is. ”
PLAY “Riddle Rangers Video #3 Big Bible Story Questions” graphic (Hold up Bible.) Isn’t the Bible amazing?! It’s unlike any other book ever written. It’s God’s Word through people and to people. That means that God used people to write the words of the Bible down, but the words are straight from God himself—so we know they’re true. And even though the 66 books of the Bible were written by about 40 different people over a period of 1,500 to 1,600 years, when you put all the books together, it forms one complete story about God’s unending love for His people
But here’s one of the greatest things about the Bible—it shows us the best way to live our lives. That’s what our Bible verse for today tells us. Take a look. (Encourage kids to open their Bibles to Psalm 119:105. Be prepared to give younger kids more time and assistance in finding the verse.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV) (Turn on flashlight. Use it to carefully navigate your way through the kids.) In a world that is dark with sin, the Bible shines a light on the best path to follow. When we have God’s Word in our heart, it can help keep us from falling into temptation (shine light on kid, step over or around him) or tripping over sin (shine light on another kid, step over or around her).
The Bible shows us how to surround ourselves with people (shine flashlight on different kids) who love God and help us to follow Him. But best of all, the Bible shows us to the one true light, (shine light on cross, kneel down next to it) Jesus—the Light of the World! The Bible tells us that God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die so that our sins could be washed away. More than that, God’s Word shines a light on how we can have a relationship with Jesus that lasts forever. No other book in the world has such an amazing message, written by such an amazing God! (Continue shining the flashlight on the cross as you close the group time by praying in whatever way the Holy Spirit prompts you.)
Turn ON lights in room “Riddle Rangers” title graphic