Marketing You
Finding the Job You Want! Human Resources The job of HR is to recruit, train and compensate employees for a business Main job is to recruit! look for people to hire attract them to the business
Ways to Recruit Online Career and Employment Sites Employment Agencies Most online employment services allow you to post a job and then search the resumes that are sent in response to the posting. Online recruiting can be very expensive. Employment Agencies firms that match people looking for jobs with businesses looking for employees A fee is charged when a match is made. Chapter 11
Ways to Recruit In-Store Advertising Classified Advertisements want ad Referrals one of the best ways to find employees Hiring friends or relatives of current employees can create problems. Chapter 11
Job Descriptions When HR recruits for an opening they always include a job description job description a written statement listing the tasks and responsibilities of a position Chapter 11
Chapter 11
The Hiring Process Apply to job! HR will screen candidates Interview remove candidates who are not right for the job Match the job candidate’s experience and skills with the job description. Review and Verify Information on Job Applications confirm accuracy of information check references Interview Chapter 11
The Hiring Process Interviewing Be prepared. Be courteous. Avoid dominating the interview. Take notes. Look for warning signs. Don’t make snap judgments. Remain pleasant and positive. Summarize your impressions of the candidate. Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Compensation How will a job pay me? wages salary payments for labor or services that are made on an hourly, daily, or per-unit basis compensation varies based either on hours worked or units produced salary an amount of money paid annually for a job position payment is not dependent on the number of hours worked Chapter 11
Compensation: Making More Bonuses a financial reward made in addition to a regular wage or salary usually hinges on reaching an established goal Profit Sharing employees are paid a portion of the company’s profits Commission a percentage of a sale paid to a salesperson compensation varies based on sales Chapter 11
Compensation: Benefits rewards, other than cash, given to employees Paid Leave vacation sick time Insurance Retirement Plans Chapter 11
Alternatives to Adding Staff freelancers people who provide specialty services to businesses on an as needed basis compensated either hourly or by the project the business does not have control over the actions of the freelancer Interns students who work for little or no pay to gain experience in a particular field Temporary Workers a business pays a fee to an employment agency the agency pays the workers Chapter 11
Getting the Job!
Personal Branding
Mission Statement a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual. One sentence What is your mission? What do you want to achieve? To encourage, engage, and equip others to believe in the possibilities.” “To positively impact the life of every person I meet.” “To encourage everyone I interact with on a daily basis.”
Cover Letter Cover letters are your introduction! They should be Professionally written To the point Enthusiastic Brag on yourself! Talk about why YOU should have this position! Sample cover letter
Resumes Should be ACTION WORDS!!! Informative Talk about any and all related experience INCLUDING COURSE WORK! Professional FORMATTING IS IMPORTANT! The more info the better! 1 page
Interviewing How to interview! Start with by greeting and shaking hands THERE IS A RIGHT WAY TO SHAKE HANDS Come PROFESSIONAL! More dressed up than you need to be Do your research! Know about the company you are interviewing with! Know the status of the person who is interviewing you Prepare! Have questions to answers you know will be asked! Keep calm!
What will set me apart Think of yourself as the product! Appearance Speech Composure Interview skills Cover Letter Resume