Presentation reminders William sin 2016
1. opening Who are you? What will you talk about? How are you going to do the analysis?
2. Don’ts Cue cards Read from the ppt Wordy ppt (I am a bad example.) (4) Jargons (which you can’t explain clearly) (5) Talk among yourselves at the back
3. dos (1) Rehearsal (esp. the technical part) (2) Time management (avoid delay opening/overrun) (3) Use some multimedia (Picture/ Video/Icon)
(4) Voice: Loud, clear, confident (5) Vision: Look at your audience (6) Give reasons for your position (don’t just make assertions)
Remember to Participate in the discussion during other groups’ session Send your group’s ppt to me after the presentation With names of group member, subject of presentation, references, etc.