Unaltered presynaptic transmitter secretion during pharmacological treatments. Unaltered presynaptic transmitter secretion during pharmacological treatments. A , Presynaptic terminals of hippocampal neurons were loaded with FM 4-64 at 10 DIV. Presynaptic secretion of FM 4-64 was elicited with elevated K+ (50 mm; 40 s). B , Boxed area in A shown at higher magnification. Pictures show FM 4-64 fluorescence in presynaptic terminals at indicated time points (0 s, start of depolarization; compare C ). C , Average time course of FM release in untreated (control) and treated neurons (50 μm nifedipine). Note the similar time courses of FM secretion, indicating unaltered presynaptic secretion after the drug treatment also used in NT secretion experiments. D , Average residual FM 4-64 fluorescence after 40 s depolarization for different treatments as indicated. All fluorescence values are given relative to the fluorescence levels at the start of the depolarization. Note that the different drug treatments did not significantly change presynaptic release of transmitters, indicating intact synaptic transmitter release under our recording conditions. neg. control, Negative control; rel., relative. Richard Kolarow et al. J. Neurosci. 2007;27:10350-10364 ©2007 by Society for Neuroscience