Correction of First Term English Exam Text: Thomas Edison Thomas Edison was born in Ohio, USA, on February 11th, 1847. He joined school when he was 8 years old, but he quitted it shortly afterwards. His teachers thought that he was not very intelligent. At the age of twelve he became deaf. Later on, he started making experiments in physics, so he transformed his room into a laboratory. When Edison died on October 18th, 1931, he had made more than one thousand inventions. Part One: Reading Comprehention: Read the text then answer the questions (3pts) When was Thomas Edison born? He He was born on February 11th, 1847. Was he and American? Yes he was When did he die? He dies on October 18th, 1931
False Frue True Thomas Edison was a writer He was very intelligent. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ (3ts) False Thomas Edison was a writer Frue He was very intelligent. He joined school whe he was 8 years old. True Lexis: (4pts) Opposites A person who does not hear = started =/= deaf joined Synonyms Was born= stupis = intelligent dies
was started became quited made died died was Mastery of language: (4pts) Classify these verbs. was, started, quited, became, died, made. Regular Irregular was started became quited made died Mohamed Dib (to die) 8 years ago. died was Ray Charles (to be) and American singer.
Part tow: Integrated Situation: (6pts) Complete the paragraph bellow, use the following words: (April 26th, 1564 - writer – novels - was- wrote) William Shakespeare ……. born on……………., in Stratford –upon –Avon in England. He was a great English ….......dramatist and poet. He …….. many famous …………..and theatre plays. He made “Hamlet “and “Romeo and Juliet”. Nowadays, people go to the theatre to assist his great works. was April 26th, 1564 wrote writer novels
Mohamed Dib died 8 years ago. Ray Charles was an American singer. Part One: He He was born on February 11th, 1847. Yes he was He dies on October 18th, 1931 2 Thomas Edison was a writer. Talse He was very intelligent. True. He joined school whe he was 8 years old. True. 3 a person who does not hear =/= deaf started =/= joined was born= died stupid = intelligent. Mastery of language: Regular Irregular started quited died was became made Mohamed Dib died 8 years ago. Ray Charles was an American singer.
Part tow: Integrated Situation: William Shakespeare ……. born on……………., in Stratford –upon –Avon in England. He was a great English ….......dramatist and poet. He …….. many famous …………..and theatre plays. He made “Hamlet “and “Romeo and Juliet”. Nowadays, people go to the theatre to assist his great works. was April 26th, 1564 wrote writer novels