Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. William Butler Yeats
What does teaching with technology mean to you?
What types of technology have you effectively implemented in your courses? A. Blackboard D. Clickers E. Other B. Blogs C. Classroom Techwall
How do you know that these are working well?
What challenges do you face in integrating technology into your program? A. Lack of time B. Experience with the tool C. Student resistance D. Other
In what ways could the previously discussed technology enhance your students learning?
Instructional Technologist is responsible for: Hardware and software implementation Training and support of the implemented technology
Academic Technology supported by Instructional Technologist Technology Equipped Classrooms Blackboard – Learning Management System(LMS) Moodle – Learning Management System(LMS) Media Server – streaming video and audio Blog Server - running Wordpress MU Wiki Server - running MediaWiki (Wikipedia) Survey Server – full featured survey software Database Server – server running MySQL used by Wescoe NetDrive – remote access to network drives
The Instructional Designer collaborates with faculty to adapt instruction by: Defining the knowledge gap and learning objectives Developing instructional strategies Evaluating effectiveness of instructional strategies
Support Roles
I cant get my power point to open. Who should I call? The Faculty/Staff Support Desk can assist you.
II am having trouble using Blackboard. Who should I call? The Faculty/Staff Support Desk will direct this question to Terry Collings.
I was on my blog site and changed something. Now my page doesnt load. Who should I call? The Faculty/Staff Support Desk will direct this question to Carolyn Brown.
I would like to find the most effective way to use blogs with my students. Who should I call? You can contact Alexandra Herb.
I would like to use technology to enhance discussions in and out of class. Who should I call? You can contact Alexandra Herb.
Office: Ettinger 006 Phone: ext Alexandra Herb (Ali) Academic Instructional Designer
PC Support Services Faculty/Staff Help Desk provides: Central reference point for hardware/software issues Desktop support Training OIT Home Page: Phone: ext Faculty/Staff Help Desk