Evolution, not Revolution – TLC to PDC (and PES) A community of learners, believers and friends
Interpreting staff voice and using evaluative mechanisms So, the three year cycle of TLCs has finished; what are the next steps? Interpreting staff voice and using evaluative mechanisms Starting point – end of the three year TLC cycle. Formative assessment embedded into everyday pedagogical practice across school; the next steps for us as a school were to refine the strategies being employed in lessons but more importantly, looking at how progress over time was being mapped in pupils’ books / files.
Achieve Action Assess Analyse Using the Quality Assurance systems in place, we analysed whether the improvements in formative assessment were reflected in the quality of lessons and in the pupils’ books Using staff voice, we assessed the effectiveness of the TLCs and whether staff felt there had been a measurable impact on their pedagogical practice Assess Analyse Action Achieve With a greater emphasis of self-reflection and accountability, the action was to create the PDCs and the PES training sessions Impact and achievement represented in the overall improvement in the quality of teaching and learning and especially marking and feedback Talk through the model of school improvement – evaluative mechanism used with any initiative in school
Professional Development Communities Professional Enhancement Sessions "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." Professional Development Communities + Professional Enhancement Sessions Explain how the PDCs were an organic development of the TLCs; it was a natural evolution and not a revolution! Key aspects – consistency, collaboration, cross-departmental links, experimentation / creativity, proformas, links to QA and PM
Professional Development Communities What are they and how do they work? PDCs represent the evolution of the TLCs and the organic development of this format of professional collaboration There are nine PDCs in an academic year and these are supplemented by additional training sessions (PES) Each PDC has two facilitators; these remain the same all year to ensure continuity and consistency Every PDC have their own ‘base’, a specific environment that each group takes ownership over The ‘evidence’ comes wholly from peer observations (may be triangulation, depending on dynamics of PDC) The training schedule is informed by the School Improvement Plan
2015 / 2016 PDC 9 PDC 5 PDC 8 PDC 7 PDC3 PDC 1 PDC 4 PDC 2 PDC 6 Exam Most Able PDC 1 Growth Mindset PDC 4 SEND PDC 2 Growth Mindset Part two PDC 5 Teacher – Pupil dialogue PDC 8 Making Progress Explicit PDC 6 Planning for Marking and Feedback PDC 7 Exam Literacy PDC 9 Reflection and Moving Forward 2015 / 2016
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