Joint meeting of the ESS.VIP.BUS ICT Project Next Steps Joint meeting of the ESS.VIP.BUS ICT Project and the ESS.VIP IT TF Luxembourg, 3 March 2014 Daniel Rase / Unit G4
Proposal for next steps Action End Date Finalise the on-going work on the TO BE state in co-operation with DG DIGIT, verify its compliance with Vision 2.0 and validate its content with the main users (in particular DG CNECT) April 2014 Carry out a proof of concept (on the basis of the ICT statistics production process) on a combined use of standards (DDI and SDMX) for micro-data and aggregated data including the development of generic solutions for the coverage of an end-to-end process with statistical information standards and interoperability between them. July 2014 Identify the capabilities required for the TO BE state and establish a roadmap for their implementation in co-operation with Directorate B May 2014 Draft a new Business Case for ESS.VIP.BUS ICT to be presented to the ESSC in September 2014. June 2014 Prepare, as an annex to the new Business Case, the technical specifications for the creation of a new ESS NET dedicated to the creation of a pilot for a metadata driven end-to-end process based on international standards and on ICT statistics.
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Unit G4, Eurostat