We hope the children have a fantastic half-term. Class 1 Newsletter Welcome back! We hope you have had a fantastic half-term and are looking forward to the term ahead. We have lots of very exciting lessons planned for this half-term giving the children fantastic learning opportunities. We are sure all the children will begin this year with a great work ethic and a super attitude towards their learning. We very much look forward to working with you and the children. All members of staff within Class 1 will be actively involved in the children’s learning and progress. If you have any queries at all, please speak to a member of our class team and we will be more than happy to assist. Our door is always open to you. Miss Launder is available at the start of the school day from 8.50am until 9am and at the end of the school day at 3.25pm. Alternatively, please call the school office on 01706 216414 if you wish to make an appointment. We hope the children have a fantastic half-term. Your Class 1 team: Miss Launder Miss Bulling Miss Fourie In maths this term we will begin by looking at number skills; addition and subtraction within 20, positions, shapes, patterns, length and height. There will also be challenges in our maths area to further develop independent numeracy skills. Additionally, the children will have access to Times Tables Rockstar and Doodle Maths daily. In English we will begin by looking at traditional tales; Owl Babies. We will also be looking at non-fiction texts; non-chronological reports. This will be linked with our topic of Florence Nightingale. Our poetry unit will involve poetry about Florence Nightingale. The children will also have access to our writing area, phonics area and reading garden to further develop their independent literacy skills. Phonics will take place each morning, home reading books will be changed daily, and the children will have access to the school library. Class 1’s PE sessions will continue to take place on a Monday morning with Mr Smedley. We kindly ask that the children wear their PE kits to school each Monday. Many thanks! To remember… Children are to wear their PE kit for school each Monday. (See website for list of items) In class 1, we kindly ask that children read little but often. This will promote independent reading and have a huge impact in all areas of learning. Over the school year, Class 1 will be learning their 2, 5 and 10 timetables. If this could be practised at home, it would be extremely beneficial to the children. Please note that home reading books will be changed daily. We kindly ask that the children return their school books each day so we are able to do this. A spelling quiz will also take place each Friday. We encourage children to use Spelling Shed which is a fun and exciting way to way practise. Many thanks! Miss Launder Our Topic for this half-term is Nurturing Nurses. This will involve the children looking at significant individuals from the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. We have also arranged for a very special visitor to our class.