NOAH: pCR Results Patients (%) P=0.002 P=0.003 P=0.29 P=0.43 With T Without T HER2 negative With T Without T HER2 negative HER2 positive HER2 positive pCR Total pCR T=trastuzumab Adapted from Gianni et al. ASCO 2007, abstract 532.
ER Negative vs. Positive PgR Negative vs. Positive pCR According to Receptor Status Total pCR ER Negative vs. Positive PgR Negative vs. Positive HER2 negative, no H 16% 32% vs. 6% (P=0.0007) 26% vs. 6% (P=0.007) HER2 positive, no H 20% 22% vs. 17% (P=0.51) 23% vs. 12% (P=0.24) HER2 positive, H 39% 48% vs. 18% (P=0.002) 48% vs. 11% (P=0.006) Adapted from Eiermann et al. Eur J Cancer Suppl 2008;6(7):115, Abstract 228.