Classification & Cataloging


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Presentation transcript:

Classification & Cataloging LIB 3200

Classification The systematic placement in categories In the library, materials are placed in various categories. Format - book, video, ebook, audio books, etc. Subject Matter – What is “it” about?

Classification Sears List of Subject Headings A list created by Minnie E. Sears, first published in 1923 for use in school libraries and small public libraries. In order to create her subject headings, Sears consulted small and medium sized libraries throughout the country to discern patterns of usage. She then developed her own system, based in part on the Library of Congress Subject Headings, but with a simplified subject vocabulary. In Sears’ system, common terms are much preferred over scientific and technical terms. Her system also allowed individual libraries the authority to create their own subject headings. The Sears model is not meant to serve as a standardized bridge for union catalogs, but rather as a model “for the creation of headings as needed”  

Classification Sears List of Subject Headings From the following link, you can view the 19th edition of Sears H. W. Wilson is one of the leading publishers of books for librarians on the many aspects of librarianship and libraries -   Learn more about using Sears from this ALA Webinar -

Cataloging The process of creating entries for a catalog. In libraries, this usually includes bibliographic description, subject analysis, assignment of classification notation. It also includes activities involved in physically preparing the item for the shelf, tasks usually performed under the supervision of a librarian trained as a cataloger.

Cataloging There are two basic systems used: Library of Congress Classification books are grouped on the shelves by subjects/what they are about – regardless of what type of book each may be. Example: Biographies of Edgar Alan Poe would be shelved with his poetry and short stories. Call numbers are letters first, then numbers representing the subject and also included in the year of copyright. Library of Congress is typically used in academic libraries (colleges and universities) Library of Congress -

Cataloging There are two basic systems used: Dewey Decimal System books are grouped by the topic/subject. Books are separated by types. Example: Biographies are in one group, poetry in another, and so forth. Call numbers are number first, then letters representing the last name of the author of the book. Dewey Decimal is typically used in public and school libraries. Dewey Decimal Classification System -

Cataloging Dewey Decimal Classification System A hierarchical system for classifying books and other library materials by subject, first published in 1876 by the librarian and educator Melvil Dewey. Is organized by disciplines or fields of study. At the broadest level, the Dewey Decimal Classification is divided into ten main classes. Each main class is further divided into ten divisions Each division is divided into ten sections

Cataloging A brief introduction to Dewey Decimal Classification - Recommend that you print pages 9 – 20 of the pdf An introduction for students You can download a PowerPoint to use with your students

Cataloging The Ten Main Classes 000 - Computer science, information & general works 100 - Philosophy & psychology 200 - Religion 300 - Social sciences 400 - Language 500 - Science 600 - Technology 700 - Arts & recreation 800 - Literature 900 - History & geography

Cataloging The Hundred Divisions 500 - Science 510 - Mathematics 520 - Astronomy 530 - Physics 540 - Chemistry 550 - Earth sciences & geology 560 - Fossils & prehistoric life 570 - Life sciences; biology 580- Plants (Botany) 590 - Animals (Zoology)

Cataloging The Thousand Divisions 590 - Animals (Zoology) 591 - Specific topics in natural history 592 - Invertebrates 593 - Marine & seashore invertebrates 594 - Mollusks & molluscoids 595 - Arthropods 596 - Chordates 597 - Cold-blooded vertebrates; fishes 598 - Birds 599 - Mammals

Cataloging Dewey Decimal Classification This is OCLC’s new interface & it shows the PDF version of Abridged15.  Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) is "a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing information costs".[Founded in 1967 as the Ohio College Library Center, OCLC and its member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat, the largest online public access catalog (OPAC) in the world.

Cataloging MARC records MAchine Readable Cataloging Each field in a MARC records provides information about the item the record is describing. Since it was first developed at a time when computing power was low, and space precious, MARC uses a simple three-digit numeric code (from 001-999) to identify each field in the record.

Cataloging CIP A Cataloging in Publication record (aka CIP data) is a bibliographic record prepared by the Library of Congress for a book that has not yet been published. When the book is published, the publisher includes the CIP data on the copyright page thereby facilitating book processing for libraries and book dealers.

Cataloging Call Numbers Call Numbers represent location on the shelves and location within the classification system. Call numbers (located on the spine label) are derived from the classification system. Dewey Decimal System Examples: 921 – biography; 510 – mathematics; F – Fiction Library of Congress Examples: M692.7 1997 – Music; PS576.5 2010 – literature (poems, short stories, etc.); Z97.3 2003 – reference (including library science)]

Cataloging “A Way to Cheat!” Copy / Paste! Follett Titlewave Login & password - raustin