Approach trajectories of squid and prey and angular velocity of squid. Approach trajectories of squid and prey and angular velocity of squid. (A,C,E,G) Approach trajectories of squid and prey. Red circles represent attacks on shrimp, blue circles attacks on fish by the squid. Gray circles represent trajectories of shrimp (A,C) or fish (E,G). (B,D,F,H) Angular velocity (ω) of squid (orange circles; B,D: shrimp; F,H: fish). The squid trajectory was tracked using arm point 3 (see Fig. 1). The approach was complete when the arms began to splay to initiate the strike. Arrows indicate the direction of motion during the approach. The corresponding minimum length specific radius of the turn [(R/L)min] for the squid approach angular velocity plots were: attacks on shrimp in A,B: 0.005 and C,D: 0.02; attacks on fish in E,F: 0.007 and G,H: 0.005. The corresponding squid maximum angular velocity (ωmax) during the approach were: attacks on shrimp in B, 256.0 deg s−1 and D, 153.7 deg s−1; attacks on fish in F, 299.7 deg s−1 and H, 270.8 deg s−1. Intervals between points are 0.01 s. Rachel A. Jastrebsky et al. J Exp Biol 2017;220:908-919 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd