To gain an overview of transportation and its use as a punishment Lesson Objective: To gain an overview of transportation and its use as a punishment
Transportation Definition The deporting of convicted criminals. The sentence of transportation could be a set number of years or for life.
In this lesson we will be answering five main questions When and why did transportation start? What crimes were punishable by transportation? Where did they transport them to? What was life like in the colonies? Why was transportation abolished?
Task One You are now going to watch a short clip on transportation Be ready to feedback to the class about the sort of experience people had when they were transported
Main Task To learn more about transportation we are now going to look at a number of sources which should help us to answer our five main questions Get yourselves into five groups Each group will be looking at sources that answer one particular question
As a group you will have 3 minutes to look at each sheet During this time you need to be reading each source, highlighting any important facts or annotating the ways in which they answer each question After three minutes the sheets will be swapped until you have looked at all the sources Be prepared to feedback to the rest of the group
When and why did transportation start?
What crimes were punishable by transportation?
Where did they transport them to?
What was life like in the colonies?
Why was it abolished?
Final Task In your books now write at least a sentence answering each of our five class questions: When and why it started What crimes were punishable by transportation? Where they were sent? What life was like Why was it abolished?