Brexit in progress
Britain and Europe from 16th to 19th centuries : maintaining the balance of power 16th and 17th centuries : alliances with Portugal, the Ottoman Empire and the Netherlands. 19th century: The Concert of Europe : the UK, Austria, Prussia, Russia (after fall of Napoleon until WWI) 1818 : British isolation 1850-1904 : British isolation 1898 : Joseph Chamberlain « We have no allies. I fear we have no friends ».
1920s and 1930s: appeasement policy Failure of the League of nations in the 1920s Appeasement policy: Neville Chamberlain Avoid wars to preserve free trade and the Empire
Winston Churchill A founder of Europe? The Zurich speech 19 September 1946 May 1947 London’s Albert Hall May 1948 : the Hague Congress. Cuts in tariffs, free movement of people, ideas and property, a common defence, a European assembly, a Charter of fundamental rights Yet not for Britain.
Timeline and some main issues 23rd June 2016: referendum. 48% remain. 52% leave. 29th March 2017: article 50 triggered. 2 years’ negotiations. A transitional period until 31st December 2020. Future relationship with the EU: a soft or hard BREXIT? Chequers proposal (12 July 2018) The case of Northern Ireland. The backstop plan.
1904-1914 : Entente and yet no alliance
II Background information since 1973 Introduction 1957 : EFTA 1960s : conversion to Europe. 1973 : Britain joined the EEC 1975 : referendum on whether Britain should stay in the EEC. 67.2% yes/32.8% no.
1. Britain and the Euro 1.1 The trauma of black Wednesday 1979 : EMS (European Monetary System) 1990 : joined the ERM (Exchange Rate Mechanism) 16 September 1992 : Black Wednesday 1992 : left the ERM
1.2 The Maastricht Treaty 1991 : John Major signed the Treaty. The EU : a single market with free movement of goods and capital from January 1993 Opt-out from the social and monetary chapter
1.3 Tony Blair’s 5 economic tests 1997-2003 ANTI : exchange rate and macro-economic adjustment ANTI : labour market flexibility PRO : business sectors (FDI and exports) NEUTRAL : financial services ANTI : housing and consumption
1.4 The euro crisis 2010 bail-outs to Portugal, Ireland, Greece (PIIGS) 2011 : Britain exempted from bail-outs
2. Britain and euroscepticism 2.1 Margaret Thatcher Community Budget : “I cannot play Sister Bountiful to the Community” 1984 Fontainebleau summit Common Agricultural Policy YET : 1986 : Single European Act. 1988 Bruges Speech.
2.2 David Cameron and the Brexit referendum January 2013 : Bloomberg speech « A new settlement for Europe » 20 February 2016 : new deal with European leaders Immigration : limitation of access to social benefits for new entrants (over 4 years) Euro bail-outs : exemption.
Child benefits : paid at local rates. Red card for national parliaments : 55% of national parliaments/12 weeks. Ever-closer union : exemption. Primacy of English law in case of terrorism (deportation)