Sculpture Park.


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Presentation transcript:

Sculpture Park

Tuesday 4(10VR) Wednesday 4 (10CQ)September A re-cap on metals SLO: Explain what metals are used for, their importance and their properties. Re-cap of metals and their properties: What would/could you use iron, gold, aluminium, gold for? What properties does each have that make it suitable for that use? Sculpture Park ppt up to corrosion What metals are used for/properties – copy notes from slides 7-8 and 10 Sculpture Park ng ppt ‘A roof over our heads’ reading and questions pgs 56-57.

Wednesday 5 September (10VR) Thursday 6 September (10CQ) Oxidising, Tarnishing and Corrosion SLO: Explain how metals oxidise, tarnish and corrode. • Define oxidise, tarnish and corrode • Explain how a few metals can be found in a pure form, while other must be extracted from ores Corrosion effects ppt. Sculpture park ng ppt notes from slides 13, 23 Corrosion of metals Video Preventing corrosion From textbook ‘Shine on’ pgs 68-69 Read, answer questions and summarise (bullet points, one idea per line)

Ores Unreactive metals such as gold are found in the Earth's crust as the uncombined elements. However, most metals are found combined with other elements to form compounds. Most metals are extracted from ore found in the Earth's crust. An ore is a rock that contains enough of a metal or a metal compound to make extracting the metal worthwhile.

Tuesday 11 September Reacting metal with oxygen SLO: Write word equations for reactions between metals and oxygen. • State the pattern • Use the pattern to write word equations for named metals Experiment – testing some metals reaction to oxygen to see the effects of corrosion. Copy aim, method and results table into books. Carry out experiment in groups, completing results table as you go. Answer the questions about your experiment. Write word equations for these reactions. Homework: ‘Sculpture park’ keywords

Tuesday 11(10VR) Wednesday 12 (10CQ) September Metals and water SLO: Write word equations for reactions between metals and water. Ranking metals – the reactivity (the order of how quickly metals react with oxygen). List in your books. Experiment – Metals and water. Copy aim, method and results table into your book. Complete experiment recording results in your table. Write a conclusion, answering the questions. Write word equations for each metal using the general rule. Extension: Put word equations into symbol equations and balance.

Thursday 6 (10VR) Friday 7 (10CQ)September The effects of corrosion SLO: Explain how metals oxidise, tarnish and corrode. Write word equations for reactions between metals and oxygen. Corrosion effects.ppt - pictures of new and old copper roofs, new and old rusty cars, polished and tarnished silver. Discuss why the reaction between metals and oxygen is generally unwanted. Experiment – testing some metals reaction to oxygen to see the effects of corrosion. Copy aim, method and results table into books. Carry out experiment in groups, completing results table as you go. Write a conclusion for your experiment – refer back to aim. Answer the questions about your experiment. Reaction with oxygen cards – make. Homework: 9Fa(1) and 9Fa(8) Due Friday 15/9

Thursday 13 September ‘Hotting up’ metals SLO: Write word equations for reactions between metals and water – describe the reaction between calcium and water, describe what effects the heat released during the reaction. Experiment – What affects the amount of heat given off in a reaction? Write up experiment. Carry out test 1 (Hotting up 2) and 2 (Hotting up 3) in small groups. Write an evaluation of the investigation as a ‘fair test’. Get your homework ‘ticked off’.

Wednesday (10VR) Thursday 21(10CQ) September Metal Reactivity SLO: Describe and compare the reactivity of different metals. Use the reactivity series to predict whether a ‘replacement reaction’ will occur Pop quiz on word equations. An introduction to metal reactivity – paste information sheet into your book. Watch Metal reactivity Notes on metal reactivity and displacement. Prepare zinc/copper sulfate solution/label with group name. Use examples in video and information sheet to make predictions about reactions. ES 9 textbook – pgs 76-77. Read/summarise key points. Do questions in yellow boxes.

Thursday 13 (10VR) Friday 14 (10CQ) September Metals and acid SLO: Write word equations for the reactions between metals and acids. • State the pattern • Use the pattern to write word equations for named metals Pop quiz. Write out experiment: aim, method, results, conclusion Carry out experiment and use results to arrange metals from most to least reactive with acid. Answer conclusion questions. Word equations.

Tuesday 18 September Metal Reactivity SLO: Describe and compare the reactivity of different metals. • Arrange metals into a reactivity series Read pp. 74-75, Exploring Science 9 and discuss. Copy reactivity table on p.75 into books, or write out as a reactivity series. Do Qs. 4-8, pp. 74-75, Exploring Science 9. Start 9Fd/1 – The reactivity league.

Rest of Week 9/10 Term 3 Metals and Sculpture Use what has been learnt in previous lessons to design a metal sculpture. Make a detailed drawing, deciding on what types of metals to use. Include dimensions (size). Make a model of the sculpture with ‘swatches’ of chosen metals. Create a proposal that ‘sells’ the sculpture to the school council – both its artistic merit and how physical and chemical metal properties have been addressed. Include your metal choices and why those metals were chosen.

Tuesday 18 September Displacement Reactions SLO: Describe and compare the reactivity of different metals. Use the reactivity series to predict whether a ‘replacement reaction’ will occur Pop quiz. Experiment – ‘Displacement reactions’. Copy out experiment into book: Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion Carry out experiment in groups. Discussion of results. ES 9 textbook – pgs 76-77. Read/summarise key points. Do questions in yellow boxes.

Monday 25 September Displacement Reactions 2 SLO: Describe and compare the reactivity of different metals. Use the reactivity series to predict whether a ‘replacement reaction’ will occur Pop quiz Finish Displacement reactions – Zn with Iron Sulphate Zn with Magnesium nitrate Describe each of the three reactions and explain why they occurred according to the reactivity series. Textbook pgs 76-77 Summarise and answer questions in yellow boxes.

Monday11 September Beginning equations From textbook: 1. Pgs 70-71 Read and summarise key points, answer questions in yellow boxes. Copy equation from page 71 into books, put it into a box and highlight it. See if you can put the following metals into the equation to work out what the products would be: Calcium, Iron, sodium eg sodium + water sodium hydroxide + hydrogen 2. Pgs 72-73 Read and summarise key points, answer questions in yellow boxes. Copy the equations from page 72 into books, put it into a box and highlight it. See if you can put the following metals into the bottom equation to work out what the products would be: aluminium, calcium eg calcium + sulphuric acid calcium sulphate + hydrogen 3. Learning their keywords eg put them into flip cards and test each other.

Friday 29 October Last lesson Term 3 Metal properties

Monday 16 October Corrosion SLO: Describe how metals can be protected from corrosion. Examples of corrosion and rusting – discuss why corrosion and rusting are an issue. Define corrosion and read pp. 72-73, Exploring Science 9. Do Qs, pp. 72-73, Exploring Science 9. Define rusting - how to set up experiment to test which conditions are necessary. Which conditions are needed for rusting to occur and consider fair testing ideas while setting up experiment. List methods in which metals can be protected from corrosion.

Wednesday 18 October Effectiveness of rust prevention methods SLO: Design an investigation that tests the effectiveness of rust prevention methods. Introduce how iron can be protected from rust, using everyday examples. Requirements for assessment. Begin assessment – planning.

Thursday 19 October Effectiveness of rust prevention methods – assessment. SLO: Design and carry out an investigation that tests the effectiveness of rust prevention methods.