Dear friends: The children of “Parpar” kindergarten in Akko and their teacher Limore Simchi , want to share with you some of their activities for Rosh Hashanah “Shanah Tova” Edit by Efrat Srebro
Limor, our teacher ,introduced us to different types of Shofar: A long one, a short and even one who was not ready made. We tried to blow them and produce a sound!
This is Lia who brought to our class a Yamane Shofar that belonged to her grandfather. He gave it to her mother ,one day before he passed away and since that time ,the Shofar is in her home. The Yamane Shofar is twisted and symbolizes the way we bend ourselves before God.
Yummy “-A chocolate Shofar for Rosh Hashanah"
We tried to draw the Shofars and see the difference between them.
Apple and honey, Pomegranate and sweet things in our celebration for Rosh Hashanah
We love apple and honey
We put a lot of efforts to prepare a special card for you and for the children of the partnership
“May the Shofar bring to you a year of smiles and peace” The Shofar reminds us to be good persons and to think how to improve our behavior. “May the Shofar bring to you a year of smiles and peace”
We wish for a lovely year!
The children of Parpar” kindergarten in Akko wish you a year of friendship, a good and a sweet one !