Fig. 12. Overview of the molecular program essential to build mdDA neurons.The genes identified in this study (in red) have been added to the programming.


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Presentation transcript:

Fig. 12. Overview of the molecular program essential to build mdDA neurons.The genes identified in this study (in red) have been added to the programming details of mdDA neurons. Overview of the molecular program essential to build mdDA neurons.The genes identified in this study (in red) have been added to the programming details of mdDA neurons. Depending on time and position in the developing mesodiencephalon these genes act in early phases (Oc family) or terminal differentiation (Chrna6, Chrnb3) of mdDA neurons. Koushik Chakrabarty et al. Biology Open 2012;bio.20121230 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd