Unit 1 Lesson 2: Argumentative writing Objective: We will examine parts of an effective argument in order to evaluate structure, rhetorical devices, and appeals Drill: Speculate what you think Ronald Reagan’s 1986 speech, “Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger: Address to Nation” will be about? Why do you think this? Answer the drill in the box below:
Video: View the video linked to the History Channel in the online Collections Grade 12 textbook entitled, “America: The Story of Us: The Challenger and the End of the Space Race.” If the link will not open, you may access it by logging on to BCPS, clicking “Digital Content,” scrolling down to the “Grades 6-12” section, and clicking on “Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.” – you may need to log on using your Houghton Mifflin Harcourt password (which your teacher should have) What is your immediate response after watching?? Objective: We will examine parts of an effective argument in order to evaluate structure, rhetorical devices, and appeals.
Access the digital student text book and go to page 429 to individually READ or LISTEN to the speech, “Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger: Address to the Nation,” USING the online tools to ANNOTATE for claim, reasoning, and evidence. If the “Go To Page” button does NOT appear after a moment, click inside the black border. Objective: We will examine parts of an effective argument in order to evaluate structure, rhetorical devices, and appeals.
Rhetorical Devices: Review rhetorical devices. You may want to jog your memory using this optional resource: “Close Reading an Argument” or you may self-generate definitions. Complete a SECOND CLOSE READ to ANNOTATE rhetorical devices and note effectiveness in margin or on note sheet. Determine overall appeals for a quick discussion. Objective: We will examine parts of an effective argument in order to evaluate structure, rhetorical devices, and appeals.
Formative Assessment: In the text box to the right, EXPLAIN the two most effective RHETORICAL DEVICES in developing Reagan’s claim, and HOW Reagan uses them. Use EVIDENCE from the text to support your answer. Objective: We will examine parts of an effective argument in order to evaluate structure, rhetorical devices, and appeals.