How to Open a TAC Case to Create a DA Go to Select “Support” (at top of page) In the “Contacts/Support Cases” section, click on “Open New Case” Login with your CCO ID and password On “Start” page, click “Next” (changes to these fields are not mandatory) On “Service Contract” page, select “Search by Other Information”, From “Service Contract” field select your NLS1 contract number from the list displayed, and click “Search” Select any product from list displayed, and click “Next” On “Describe Problem” page, fill in required fields, and click “Finish” Case Title = SNTC: Create Delegated Admin: your-company-name Case Description = full name and CCO ID of Delegated Admin nominee Product = Smart Services Capabilities / Smart Portal And Reports (NLS1 or CSAS or PSS Contract required) Problem Area = Installation / Configuration Assistance On “Submit” page, review and verify the details and click “Submit” Tailor this presentation based on your audience.