Technology Education is More Than Just Computers Ken Volk, Ph.D. Masdar Institute of Science & Technology
Technology Education is not Educational Technology Technology Defined Engineering uses the design process to produce workable solutions. Technology is output of engineering. Science focuses on the natural world, with the output being knowledge. Technology Education is not Educational Technology
Technology Education Experiential Learning More than hearing & seeing! Hands-on problem solving! Applies math and science! Use of tools, materials and engineering design techniques! Solar Hotdog Cookers
Attitudes & Technology A person’s negative or positive feelings that influence their behavior Based on: Knowledge, Experience Ideas Shaped by interactions with technology (parents, teachers, friends, culture, etc, too!)
Pupils’ Attitudes Toward Technology PATT-UAE Grade 8 students in the UAE 21 public and 12 private schools Over 1800 students participated Are there differences that exist between boys’ and girls’ attitudes toward technology? Are there differences between pupils’ attitudes toward technology from UAE public and private schools?
PATT-UAE Demographics and technological home climate 58 Statements about technology Example statements: Interest I like to read technological magazines Role Pattern Boys are able to do practical things better than girls Difficulty You have to be smart to study technology Consequences The world would be a better place without technology Curriculum Technology lessons are important Career I would enjoy a job in technology
PATT RESULTS - DEMOGRAPHICS Cross Comparisons of Gender with Student Characteristics and Home Environment Public Private Schools (in %) Boys ( n =449) Girls ( =608) =411) =375) Extent father’s job has to do with technology Very much 9.4 13.2 24.1 29.6 Much 19.9 26.5 57.3 57.2 Little 22.6 28.3 15.6 12.6 Very little 20.7 1.9 0.3 Not working 28.2 11.3 1.1 Extent mother’s job has to do with technology 5.5 7.2 9.5 11.0 6.6 8.1 11.9 18.5 10.7 13.0 16.8 14.2 10.1 60.3 57.5 45.0 42.0 Will choose a technological profession Yes 63.4 61.9 64.8 50.9 No 36.6 38.1 35.2 49.1
Public Schools t Tests on Student Characteristics - Public Schools Interest in Technology Role Pattern Technology is Difficult Consequences of Technology School Curriculum Career Aspirations Gender Boys (449) 2.32 3.00 3.09 2.27 2.38 2.41 Girls (608) 2.37 2.64 3.08 2.12 2.42 Significance ** Choose technological profession Yes (653) 2.21 2.75 3.11 2.09 2.24 2.17 No (376) 2.58 2.87 3.04 2.36 2.86 **p<=0.05 NOTE: Lower number = more positive attitudes
Private Schools NOTE: Lower number = more positive attitudes
Discussion Students from public schools Girls from private schools Generally not as positive as private schools about- Difficulty Role pattern School curriculum Consequences of technology Girls from private schools not as positive about- Interest Career aspirations Constructing working model Wind Turbines
To Teach About Technology (#1) Have Technology Education as separate subject Traditional: Communication Power & Energy Graphic Communication Sustainability Class project to tackle sustainability challenge Build, test monitor photovoltaic system Robotics and Control Technology LEGO Robotics Robot Olympiad competition
To Teach About Technology (#2) Have Technology Education as STEM Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Integrate instruction and activities Encourages Creative-problem solving Hands-on experiences Use of variety of tools, materials, processes, etc Emphasizes Process and design of solutions Rather than solutions themselves!
To Teach About Technology (#3) Have Technology Education - Modified STEM Concentrates “T” & “”E’ in Science Science already has lab approach Study of scientists and grad students recommended- More hands-on learning More real and applied problem
Conclusion Cannot assume technology education will influence attitudes, but..... ... has potential as a subject, through hands-on creative problem-solving activities, to provide meaningful interdisciplinary learning experiences about technology to all students. KV