Sequence conservation within antigenic sites γ1 and γ2, atomic interactions within the RSV G CCD, and model of RSV G glycoprotein. Sequence conservation within antigenic sites γ1 and γ2, atomic interactions within the RSV G CCD, and model of RSV G glycoprotein. (A) Top: Surface representation of RSV G with amino acids colored according to conservation. Atoms from the main chain and conserved side chains are red, similar side chains are pink, and nonconserved side chains are white. The five CX3C motif amino acids are outlined in green. Middle and bottom: The epitope footprints of antigenic site γ1 (bnmAb 3D3 epitope) and antigenic site γ2 (bnmAb 2D10 epitope), respectively. (B) Structure of RSV G161-197 with hydrogen bonds shown in purple dashes and representative side chain–side chain hydrophobic interactions (≤4.0 Å) shown in gray dashes. (C) Schematic of membrane-bound RSV G. N- and O-linked glycans are shown by black and gray discs, respectively. Stanislav O. Fedechkin et al. Sci. Immunol. 2018;3:eaar3534 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works