Relationship of the insula to the temporal operculum.


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Presentation transcript:

Relationship of the insula to the temporal operculum. Relationship of the insula to the temporal operculum. Gross anatomic specimen from a 44-year-old woman, viewed from above and lateral after removal of the frontal and parietal opercula to expose the superior surfaces of the ASG (a), MSG (m), PSG (p), the CS, and the ALG (A). The HG (H) arises immediately posterior to the insula and curves anterolaterally around the lateral surface of the PLG (arrow), largely obscuring it in this view. The anteromedial surface of the HG abuts upon and conforms to the surface of the PLG as it crosses the superior surface of the temporal lobe. PP indicates planum polare; PT, planum temporale. Thomas P. Naidich et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2004;25:222-232 ©2004 by American Society of Neuroradiology