Prayer Focus: Saffron Walden Baptist Church Saffron Walden Baptist Church has been prominently placed on the High Street of this small market town in rural north Essex since 177. The congregation is experiencing a renewed confidence in Christ and learning how to fulfil their calling to be a welcoming and all-embracing community. On Easter Sunday there is a public time of celebration, in order to help the town to realise that this is a special day.
Prayer Focus: Saffron Walden Baptist Church * Pray that we might reach out ever more effectively to those who use our building; those who live around us; and on the frontlines of our lives at home and at work. * For deacons elections on 29 April. We are particularly in need of a new treasurer. * For our youth work, especially our Explorers, our Friday evening Youth Group; and for all our uniformed organisations, especially our Boys' Brigade company section.