a) Exertional dyspnoea and b) leg discomfort intensity (Borg score) are shown in response to increasing minute ventilation (V′E) and/or work rate during symptom-limited incremental cycle exercise in patients with chronic heart failure during active biventri... a) Exertional dyspnoea and b) leg discomfort intensity (Borg score) are shown in response to increasing minute ventilation (V′E) and/or work rate during symptom-limited incremental cycle exercise in patients with chronic heart failure during active biventricular pacing (filled circle) and inactive biventricular pacing (open circle). Exertional dyspnoea and leg discomfort intensity (Borg score) were lower with active than with inactive biventricular pacing. Dyspnoea/V′E and leg discomfort/work rate slopes were significantly (p<0.05) steeper with inactive than with active biventricular pacing. Severe and very severe Borg scores are shown. c) Tidal volume (VT) expressed as % of predicted vital capacity (%VC predicated) in response to increasing V′E during symptom-limited incremental cycle exercise in patients with chronic heart failure during active biventricular pacing (filled circle) and inactive biventricular pacing (open circle). d) Respiratory frequency (fR) in response to expansion of VT %VC predicted. These two panels clearly show that the breathing pattern was deeper and slower with active compared with inactive biventricular pacing. Vertical dotted arrows represent iso-V′E point. Data are presented as mean±se. *: p<0.05 active versus inactive biventricular pacing. Reproduced and adapted from [6] with permission from the publisher. Bruno-Pierre Dubé et al. Eur Respir Rev 2016;25:317-332 ©2016 by European Respiratory Society