PRTR data application for local environmental management November 2018 Masayuki SEKIGUCHI Ministry of the Environment Japan
Background of the Project PRTR is composed of emission data at the local or community level and has a huge potential to inform decision making and policy setting pertaining to local environmental management. However, utilization of PRTR data by local governments is not uniform and in many cases PRTR data is not actively utilized. It is important to demonstrate the benefits of PRTR data usage for local environmental management by the local governments. At the 18th meeting of the Task Force on PRTRs held in November 2015, Japan presented this new project on compiling information on PRTR data application for local environmental management. The TF-PRTR members agreed with the project, and also agreed to provide their response to the questionnaire prepared by the lead country. See [ENV/JM/PRTR(2015)1] and the presentation at the 18th meeting on Clearspace for more information).
Objectives of the Project This project aims to promote PRTR data application by local governments for local environmental management (e.g. evaluation of the environmental condition, plan and implementation of policy measures, risk communication) by providing and sharing good practices across the OECD members. Local governments are the primary beneficiary of this project since the outputs of the project will bring new ideas and decrease barriers to further promote PRTR data application for local environmental management. National governments could gain insights to take possible actions in order to support and promote PRTR data application by local governments.
Outline of the Project 1st Survey - Questionnaire survey from 20 May to 30 June, 2016 2nd Survey - Follow-up Questionnaire survey from 2 November to 16 December, 2017 - Web survey by lead country Drafting the result document
Results of the Surveys 1st Survey (20 May to 30 June, 2016) - 10 case examples in total provided by Canada, Czech Republic, United States and Japan 2nd Survey (2 November to 16 December, 2017) - Additional 34 case examples provided by Japan - 7 case examples via the web survey by lead county In total 51 case examples
Analysis of case examples Lead country; Categorized provided examples into categories and sub-categories; and Abstracted good examples, which shows more concrete application in the sub-categories. Category Sub-category No Environmental Improvements Index for environmental improvement 3 Regulatory Compliance Inspection and direction for facilities Tracking record of lands 1 Identification of polluters (e.g. by accident) Development of Policies and Regulations Prioritization for environmental monitoring items Prioritization for new policies and regulations 2 Research and study Programme Evaluation Right-to-know (public information) Risk Assessment Risk assessment Education Seminar Total 19
Case example Regulatory Compliance – Formaldehyde accident of 2012 in Japan In May 2010, Formaldehyde exceeding the Drinking Water Quality Standard was detected in water treatment plants of the Tone River water system. Water intake was stopped at eight water treatment plants of Tokyo and four other prefectures. On May 19th -20th , 360,000 houses (870,000 people) in 5 cities within Chiba Prefecture were affected by water stoppage or water reduction.
Case example Chlorination Tone River Industrial Plant Industrial waste disposal facility Water treatment plant Chlorination Formaldehyde (water quality standard exists) Hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) (water quality standard did not exist) Use of PRTR data ・ Identification of the source of contamination within the municipality ・Action on other non-regulated substances for which quality standards have not been set <Based on document provided by Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government>