Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies April 2019


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies April 2019 Hauppauge Industrial Park Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies April 2019

Research Process Overview Findings HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies Background Research Process Overview Findings Economic Opportunities Regional Vision for the HIP Design Framework and Action Plan Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies Long Island’s $194 billion economy (Nassau and Suffolk) keeps expanding, but the growth lacks momentum. Wage Growth 15% (2013-2017) 14% 13% NY State 12% U.S. 11% 10% Long Island 9% 8% Job Growth (2013-2017) 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

The tradable economy is too small and has been shrinking. HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies The tradable economy is too small and has been shrinking. Long Island: Tradable (23% of jobs) Mainly exported to other places. Concentrated in a subset of geographic areas. Business Services 5.2% of all LI jobs Local Health Services 15.2% of all LI jobs Local Hospitality 11.6% of all LI jobs Distribution & E-Commerce 5.1% of all LI jobs Local (77% of jobs) Goods and services consumed by local residents. Present in most places. Local Real Estate & Construction 8.0% of all LI jobs Local Commercial Services 8.3% of all LI jobs Education Financial & Research Services 2.3% 1.6% Local Personal Services (Non-Medical) Local Community & Civic Organizations Local Vehicles Hospitality Insurance Bioph- & Tourism Services arma Local Food Processing Trans- Aero Print Local Financial Services portation -space -ing Market- ing Furni- i. j. k. ture a. c. Local Logistical Services Local Household Goods & Services e. n. o. p. q. t. u. v. g. l. Local Retail IT & Instruments b. d. f. h. m. r. s. w. Compared with U.S.: 64% 36% Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies World-Renowned Research Institutions Stony Brook, Brookhaven, Cold Spring Harbor, Hofstra, and Northwell Health are pioneers in scientific discovery. And yet, Long Island can leverage numerous assets for future economic growth. Access to Large Consumer Market 18.9 million people live in the Metro Area. 2.9 million people live on Long Island Policy Shift TOD Quality of Life Cultural, recreational, and natural amenities, as well as good schools, make Long Island an attractive place to live. became an increasingly attractive mode of development LIRR Extensive Transportation Infrastructure LIRR & Multiple Highways connects Long Island to the larger region Population <=120k >=950k Highly Educated Workforce 38.75% of Long Island population over 25 years old completed a Bachelor’s degree or more (NY: 34.74%; U.S.: 30.32%) Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies What the region can benefit the most from is a clear and compelling industry strategy. Political Dynamic Social Dynamic Spatial Dynamic How How Industries Industries and Firms and Firms Overcome Barriers, Leverage Assets, and Achieve GrowtOh. vercome Barriers, Leverage Assets, and Economic Dynamic Achieve Growth. Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

of Long Island land area HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies On Long Island, the largest concentration of firms is in Hauppauge. 0.2% of Long Island land area 5.0% of Long Island employment 1,350 companies 8.2% of Long Island gross product Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

Hauppauge Industrial Park Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies $65 million property taxes 5.0% of Long Island private employment 1,350 cboumsipneasnsieess 55,000 employees gross of Long $13.4 billion total sales volume 8.2% $2.1 billion local spending Hauppauge Industrial Park 1,600 acres $4.4 billion business expenses (payroll excl.) $2.9 billion combined payroll of Long 0.2% $806 million income taxes land area Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies The Hauppauge Industrial Park is not only large in scale, but also significant in tradable industry concentration. Long Island: Hauppauge Industrial Park: Business Services 5.2% of all LI jobs Distribution & E-Commerce Local Commercial Services Biopharma Local Real Estate & Construction Local Health Services 15.2% of all LI jobs Local Hospitality 11.6% of all LI jobs Distribution & E-Commerce 5.1% of all LI jobs IT & Analytical Instruments Local Community & Civic Organizations Business Services Local Real Estate & Construction 8.0% of all LI jobs Local Entertainment Local Commercial Services 8.3% of all LI jobs Education Financial & Research Services Recreational Goods 2.3% 1.6% Production & Machinery Marketing Local Food Processing Local Hospitality Local Personal Services (Non-Medical) Local Community & Civic Organizations Local Health Services Down- stream Metal Education & Research Local Vehicles Hospitality Insurance Bioph- & Tourism Services arma Local Food Processing Medical Devices Food Processing Aerospace Local Perso- nal Services (Non-Med.) Local House- hold Goods Trans- Aero Print portation -space -ing Com- muni- Const- cations Plastics ruction Local Retail Paper & Packaging Local Financial Services Market- ing Lighting & Equip. Furni- ture i. j. k. a. c. Local Financial Services Local Logistical Services Local Household Goods & Services e. n. o. p. l. Local Industrial Products b. f. j. g. g. q. t. u. v. Financial Services Local Retail IT & Instruments Printing l. b. d. f. h. m. r. s. w. a. c. d. k. e. Tradable: h. i. m. Local: Tradable: Local: (77%) (23%) (42%) (58%) Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies The key objective of HIP is to anchor the growth of competitive tradable industries on Long Island. Hauppauge Industrial Park The Park can do so by providing the necessary facilities, amenities, talent pool, and knowledge infrastructure for further firm clustering and agglomeration, as well as by marketing and branding the Park as the Island’s premier hub for growing businesses. 10 Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies Long Island needs to grow competitive tradable industry clusters; HIP can be the anchor. We analyzed the Island-wide economy, and selected nine key clusters to focus efforts on. Criteria: ⊲ Large employment ⊲ High specialization ⊲ Substantial growth ⊲ Outgrowing other regions ⊲ Represented in the HIP ⊲ Validated by experts in the field Financial Services Aerospace Construction Distribution & E-Commerce Food Processing Biopharma Business Services Education & Research IT & Analytical Instruments Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies We recommend five high-level economic development strategies that would boost Long Island’s key tradable clusters. STRATEGY A: Facilitate business growth STRATEGY C: Strengthen training and workforce development STRATEGY E: Build connections among businesses, governments, and institutions STRATEGY B: Attract and retain knowledge workers STRATEGY D: Promote innovation and technology transfer How the strategies relate to key clusters: BUSINESS SERVICES FINANCIAL SERVICES IT & INSTRUMENTS AEROSPACE BIOPHARMA CONSTRUCTION DISTRIBUTION EDUCATION FOOD PROCESSING 13 Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies HIP provides a unique opportunity to implement the five high-level strategies on the ground. Workforce development Business Growth Collaboration Talent attraction Innovation Formulate Implement Anchor regional growth Long Island HIP Channel resources Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019

Recommended Actions: Actors: HAUPPAUGE INDUSTRIAL PARK Short Term Regional Competitiveness and Growth Strategies Recommended Actions: Short Term Medium Term Long Term Actors: $ Expand the list of use groups in zoning $ Allow new mixed-use buildings at select locations $ Adjust height criteria $ Modify dimensional and density regulations $ Allow new structures to be clipped on to big- box factory buildings Regulation and Zoning GOV $$ Transit rerouting; new stops $$ Shared road with bike lane $$ New trails; park course $$ New park $$ Parking lot retrofit $$ Green infrastructure (storm water) $$ Gateway $$ Signage $ Delineated walking / biking / running routes $ Exercise station Public Realm $$$ New signature public space $$$ Sewage expansion HIA-LI Business Facility and Amenity $$$$ Vertical development (north side of Motor Parkway) $$$$ Regional Innovation Center for Advanced Manufacturing $$$ Incubator $$$ Factory retrofit $$ Coworking space Private Sector $ Job fairs $ Company open houses; field days $$ Workforce training programs $$ Regular social event programming $ Manufacturer networking $$ One-stop business resource center Management and Operation $ Industry X University research partnerships $$ Green energy; community solar $ Inclusive innovation events $$$$ Regional Workforce Training Center $$$ Shuttle buses and ride-share $ Marketing and branding $ Company and building owner survey $ BID structure for financing and governance Regional Plan Association | James Lima Planning + Development | April 2019