June 10, 2019 Chris Crutchfield AgGateway 101 June 10, 2019 Chris Crutchfield
Today’s Presentation Purpose Purpose: To provide an introduction to AgGateway and help you navigate you through the Mid-Year Meeting Read slide
Topics for Today AgGateway – The Organization & Structure AgGateway’s Vision & Mission Current AgGateway Initiatives AGIIS – Ag Industry Identification System AgGateway Website & Wiki Conference Agenda Mobile Application How to get Involved Read Slide
AgGateway – The Organization We would like to do a high-level overview of AgGateway – the organization.
AgGateway: What it is A non-profit, collaborative membership association Our focus is to expand digital agriculture in many facets of modern ag production, including efficient use of manpower, strategic planning, business management, just-in-time inventory, traceability and sustainability (waste reduction, water management, resource allocation). AgGateway enables digital agriculture as a means to: improve business processes help deliver excellent customer service streamline the supply chain support greater productivity and sustainable ag practices. Broad representation across ag segments AgGateway was formed in 2005. Read Slide Non-profit funded by: Member dues Subscriptions Activity fees
AgGateway: Who’s involved? Over 180 member companies Members include ag retailers, manufacturers of ag inputs (e.g., seed, crop nutrition, crop protection and specialty chemical), precision ag and the outputs (e.g.: grain and feed), software and data service providers. Business and information technology (IT) professionals from these member companies collaborate on AgGateway activities. Companies work together to develop and implement common industry standards and tools. Read Slide
2018-2022 Strategic Plan: Vision and Mission Current Vision: AgGateway is the trusted leader in enabling digital agriculture. AgGateway provides the trusted forum where resources are developed global collaboration occurs members are equipped so they can realize the benefits of digital agriculture the industry maximizes the power of information to operate profitably, safely, and sustainably. Current Mission: To promote and enable the industry’s transition to digital agriculture and expand the use of information to maximize efficiency and productivity. Our 2018-2022 strategic plan is developed by our strategic board. Our current vision and mission listed on this slide in “bold”. Current Vision: AgGateway is the trusted leader in enabling digital agriculture. What do we mean by a “trusted leader”? AgGateway provides the trusted forum where: resources are developed global collaboration occurs members are equipped so they can realize the benefits of digital agriculture the industry maximizes the power of information to operate profitably, safely, and sustainably. Our Current Mission: To promote and enable the industry’s transition to digital agriculture and expand the use of information to maximize efficiency and productivity. Our previous mission statement was “To promote, enable, and expand eBusiness in agriculture”. Now our focus is more on the transition to digital agriculture which is now reflected in both our vision and mission statements.
What do we mean by Digital Agriculture… Working Definition: Digital Agriculture is the production of food, fiber, and biofuels, and environmental management through processes that are increasingly autonomous and driven by ever more effective models with data input that is more and more timely, relevant, accurate, and complete. The models are designed to maximize profitability, sustainability, and environmental protection in optimal balance. Because there are several definitions out there for digital agriculture, and you will be hearing this term regularly throughout the week, AgGateway wants to define what we mean by Digital Agriculture. (Read slide)
2018-2022 Strategic Plan: Focus Areas Leadership in Digital Agriculture Ensuring the Financial Sustainability of AgGateway Communicating and Marketing Value of AgGateway The Strategic Board worked with the staff, the operational management board, councils, and executive committee to create a 5-year strategic plan. The 2018-2022 strategic plan focuses on: Leadership in Digital Agriculture Ensuring the Financial Sustainability of AgGateway Communicating and Marketing Value of AgGateway
How AgGateway Operates Marilyn: (Slide 20) Now we are going to talk about how we operate.
Structure of AgGateway New Structure at-a-Glance Marilyn: (Slide 21) Structure of AgGateway: Right now, we are working on a transformation that we are calling AgGateway 2020. This structure and vision statement will look different by the year 2020, but what we will be covering for you today is the current structure; we just want you to be aware that it is changing. At the moment, AgGateway is composed of a Strategic Board of Directors (we refer to them as the “Board of Directors”), an Operational Management Board (or OMB), councils, committees, and various task forces and working groups as required. The Strategic Board: The Strategic Board is accountable to the full membership and is responsible for the organization’s management and affairs. Some of the responsibilities of the Strategic Board include: Setting strategic direction for AgGateway. Approving AgGateway’s annual budget and providing for audits of the corporation’s books. Establishing and approving the organization’s policies and procedures. The Operational Board: The Operational Management Board (OMB) is responsible for the ongoing day-to-day management of AgGateway and is also accountable to the AgGateway membership. Some of the Responsibilities of the Operational Board include: Set annual goals and objectives for AgGateway and ensure alignment with the AgGateway strategic plan. Enter into contracts and monitor performance against them through AgGateway executive staff. Officially represent AgGateway in the industry. We will be talking a bit more about the Councils, Committees and working groups in a few minutes.
How is AgGateway organized? Members Small number of staff Councils (by industry segment) Councils will transform into Working Groups and Communities Standing committees Standards and Guidelines, Data Privacy, Communications, etc. Working Groups Future working groups will be short-term groups to produce specific deliverables As stated before, AgGateway is a member-driven organization, so “we” are AgGateway. We operate with a small amount of contracted staff to help and support the members, Councils, Committees, projects, and working groups within AgGateway. Our staff are all part-time consultants. We have 4 staff members that AgGateway contracts for approximately 80% of their time, and the others are between 5-50% of their time as staff members. In addition, AgGateway also contracts with project managers to lead the industry projects, enabling services and with DXC, who provides our Member Services and AGIIS database support. Our councils and committees are led by member volunteers and supported by the AgGateway staff.
AgGateway 2020 Members Europe North America Latin America Staff Community Community Community Members Community Community Architecture Standards & Guidelines Board of Directors Executive Committee Digital Resource Center Portfolio Mgmt Center Staff ADAPT AGIIS Directory Oversight Working Groups Communications Committee Membership Advisors Working Groups This represents a revised graphic of the AgGateway 2020 proposed organizational structure. We won’t go into too much detail here as we will hear more about AGW 2020 in the General Session. We do want to point out that the structure of AgGateway and how we operate, will be changing next year. Councils as we know them today will be going away. Work will be done primarily in Working Groups and Committees. Also note that Latin America and Europe, which was part of AgGateway Global Network, is merging with AgGateway NA to create a single organization representing these geographical locations. Europe Latin America North America Steering Committee Steering Committee Steering Committee Staff Staff Staff Working Groups Working Groups Conference Committee Working Groups
Currently 8 Active Ag Councils Ag Retail Council Allied Providers Council Crop Nutrition Council Crop Protection Council Grain & Feed Council Precision Agriculture Council Seed Council Specialty Chemical Council Marilyn: (Slide 24) AgGateway is organized by industry segment. Here is a listing of our 8 active councils. When your company joined AgGateway, you indicated which industry segment or segments under which your company operates. If you are unsure which segment you joined please come see me. The council sessions are being held this afternoon. If you hare unsure what meetings to attend today, a council meeting is a great place to start.
Council Activities Ag Retail Council (ARC) Current Initiatives Connectivity Task Force to encourage wider adoption of current seed messages Design New Case Studies and complete those underway to be used for communications/awareness Mid-Year Meeting Discuss connecting more Retailers and Suppliers throughout the industry. We are focused on proliferating the GLN/GTIN usage, getting Manufacturers to adopt barcoding throughout and being the voice of Ag Retail. We will be discussing the transition to the new Ag Gateway 2020 vision of moving to a more Community led organization. Allied Provider Council (APC) Improve tracking on the effectiveness of the Allied Providers Products and Services Directory Focus on the structural changes being proposed by AgGateway2020 and how our council can best transition to the concept of communities in a way that ensures involvement and inclusion of our membership. http://aggateway.org/Newsroom/CommunicationsKit.aspx#studies AgRetail Council Current Initiatives Quick Connect Sessions - These sessions, often held in conjunction with AgGateway meetings, are brief, face-to-face meetings between trading partners that allow ag retailers, distributors, manufacturers and their software vendors to lay out concrete next steps to establish electronic connections. The goal is to streamline transactions – including for crop nutrition, crop protection and seed products – in price sheets, contracts, ordering, delivery, invoicing, sales reporting, and inventory management, to boost efficiency, accuracy and productivity. Ag Associations Relations – Further promotion of Ag E-Business MYM - At the Ag Retail Council meeting, we will be discussing connecting more Retailers and Suppliers throughout the industry. We are focused on proliferating the GLN/GTIN usage, getting Manufacturers to adopt barcoding throughout and being the voice of Ag Retail. We will be discussing the transition to the new Ag Gateway 2020 vision of moving to a more Community led organization. . Allied Providers Council - The Allied Provider council will focus on the structural changes being proposed by AgGateway2020 and how our council can best transition to the concept of communities in a way that ensures involvement and inclusion of our membership. Please join us if you are interested in participating in this discussion. Improve tracking on the effectiveness of the Allied Providers Products and Services Directory MYM Focus on the structural changes being proposed by AgGateway2020 and how our council can best transition to the concept of communities in a way that ensures involvement and inclusion of our membership
Council Activities Crop Nutrition Council (CNC) Crop Protection (CPC) Current Initiatives Further promote electronic connections between trading partners Business Rules Harmonization Project Mid-Year Meeting Mapping Messages to X12 Discuss progress and next steps on Business Rules Harmonization Project Crop Protection (CPC) GTIN Implementation Focus on the AgGateway 2020 Crop Nutrition Council - We will discuss our progress on the business rules harmonization project, the 2019 council goals and objectives, and AgGateway 2020 as well as other on going initiatives. Current Initiatives Further promote electronic connections between trading partners MYM Mapping Messages to X12 Discuss progress on Business Rules Harmonization Project Crop Protection Council - Business Rules Harmonization GTIN Implementation
Council Activities Grain & Feed Council (GFC) Current Initiatives Traceability and how BlockChain can be utilized Mid-Year Meeting Discuss current traceability initiatives Update goals for 2019 Identity pain points for future project ideas Precision Ag Council (PAC PAIL – Water Management Remote Sensing Regulatory, Insurance & Government Relations ADAPT Reference Data API Controlled Vocabulary Discuss progress on ongoing initiatives and the transition to AgGateway 2020 Grain & Feed Council – Current Initiatives Traceability and possibilities of Blockchain MYM Discuss current traceability initiatives Update Goals for 2019 Identify pain points for future project ideas Precision Ag Council PAIL – Water Management Remote Sensing Regulatory, Insurance & Government Relations ADAPT Reference Data API Controlled Vocabulary Discuss progress on ongoing initiatives and the transition to AgGateway 2020
Council Activities Seed Council (SC) Specialty Chemical Council (SCC) Current Initiatives Implementation of new seed messages- Transfers, Replants, Returns, Grower Licensing & Zoning GLN Task Force – Establish guidelines around seed license reporting and GLN synchronization process Mid-Year Meeting Discuss current initiatives and transition to AgGateway 2020 Specialty Chemical Council (SCC) Restart this council – how to implement the flat file reporting Discuss transition to AgGateway 2020 Seed Council – Current Initiatives Implementation of new seed messages from meeting in February, participating in GLN Task Force MYM Discuss current initiatives and transition to AgGateway 2020 Specialty Chemical Council - Discuss transition to AgGateway 2020
Other AgGateway Activities Activities - Want to make you aware of our current activities to see if you or your company might like to get involved: Mixed Ticket CPC GTIN discussions SC GLN Task Force PAIL New Seed Messages Soil Sample Testing Product Catalog AGIIS Modernization USDA open dialogue Cross Council Business Rules Harmonization Case studies – from the council members from a few councils Traceability WG (now including CART Proof of Concept) Here are some of the current activities – We want to make you aware of these to see if you or your company might like to get involved: Mixed Ticket Traceability WG (which now includes CART Proof of Concept) CPC GTIN discussions SC GLN Task Force AGIIS Modernization Cross Council Business Rules Harmonization is just finishing up their work. Case studies – from the council members from a few councils USDA open dialogue PAIL New Seed Messages Soil Sample Testing Product Catalog If you see anything on the list that you’re interested in, please send an email to Member.Services@AgGateway.org and they will get you signed up.
7 Collaborative Committees ADAPT Committee Architecture Committee Communications Committee Conference Committees Mid-Year Meeting Annual Conference Education Task Force Directory Oversight Committee (DOC) Membership Committee Standards & Guidelines Committee * AgGlossary * AIDC - barcoding AgGateway has 7 collaborative committees, listed here. Our committees, with the exception of the Directory Oversight, are open for anyone to participate in them. Committees help AgGateway focus on its mission and vision. Committees are staffed and led by volunteers from the councils. They may be formed (via committee charter), consolidated or de-commissioned at the discretion of the Strategic Board. Committee chairpersons and vice-chairpersons are appointed by the Operational Management Board.
Committees Activities and goals that accomplish to aid in the overall promoting, enabling and expanding digital agriculture in the industry Focused on a specific area that impacts all of the segments There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes that not everyone sees. Each council provides at least one liaison for each committee. The council liaisons provide communication to and from the council to the committees. Except for the Directory Oversight Committee, the committees are open for anyone to participate in. Committees help AgGateway focus on its mission and vision. These groups are staffed and led by volunteers from the councils. They may be formed (via committee charter), consolidated, or de-commissioned at the discretion of the Operational Management Board. Committee chairpersons and vice-chairpersons are appointed by the Operational Management Board. Read slide
Website: www.aggateway.org (Slide 33) Our website, www.AgGateway.org, is a great resource, with sections devoted to getting you connected, informing you about the various eConnectivity activities in progress, or getting started. It also carries information on our annual events, which are the Mid-Year Meeting and Annual Conference, as well as a calendar with details on regular council, committee, and other working meetings. The home page carries the latest news and events not to be missed.
AgGateway Wiki https://aggateway.atlassian.net/wiki/ Access using above link or use links at bottom of each web page, www.AgGateway.org Confluence (Wiki) is a product of Atlassian. Used to draft, update and store meeting agendas, minutes and project documentation Everyone should have a wiki user profile
Ag Industry Identification System (AGIIS) Chris: (Slide 36) Next, Nikki Marshall from Member Services will talk more about the AGIIS Directory.
Ag Industry Identification System (AGIIS) A database and software that delivers a common set of identifiers and data elements to the Agricultural industry to foster eAgriculture between and among companies Purpose – To provide unique identifiers for the facilitation of eAgriculture interactions AGIIS-One of our foundational eConnectivity tools is the Ag Industry Identification System, or AGIIS. AGIIS is a database and software that delivers a common set of identifiers and data elements to the ag industry to foster eAgriculture between and among companies. All AgGateway members have a free search/view only option – they need to contact Member Services for more information on accessing that privilege. Launched August 2003
Establishes Unique Industry Identifiers Ag Industry Identification System www.AGIIS.org Products GTINs (UPC) Characteristics Categories Ownership Entities GLNs Manufacturers Distributors End Users Etc, etc. Licenses Unique ID Linkages AGIIS These are the various components of AGIIS. Products with the common elements, characteristics, ownership, etc. Entities are the businesses (manufacturers, distributors, retailers, or any other business), growers, locations (such as rail spurs, tank location, etc.). Licenses are currently used for seed licenses by the manufactures
Mobile App Crowd Compass Attendee Hub Agenda Maps Acronyms Attendees Dining Sponsors Real Time Updates For several years now, AgGateway has used the Attendee Hub for our Mid-Year Meetings and Annual Conferences. This application can be downloaded to your phone from the Apple Store of from Google Play. The App provides an agenda, which is customizable in that it lets you add the sessions you want to attend into a personalized schedule. It also has a meeting room map to help you get to where you are going. Within the App, we’ve provided an Acronym list. If you come across an acronym you don’t know, look it up! Find an acronym we’ve missed, win a PRIZE!. The App also provides functionality to add and maintain contacts that you’ve met throughout the week. It also provides local dining and entertainment options. The App is the best way to be notified when there is a room assignment change or to receive any other important information about the conference.
AgGateway Membership Nikki (Slide 41: Hand over to Nikki)
How to get the most out of your membership? Be involved! Engage in eAgriculture! Be involved! Engage in eAgriculture Many of our member companies tell us that they wished they had not sat back to listen for so long when they first joined AgGateway. It put them further behind from what the industry was already doing. If you’re not sure what you should get involved in, feel free to contact Member Services, or one of us on the staff page. You can find our information in the About Us section on the website.
How Can You Get Involved? Ask for Mentor Attend Council Meetings Attend Committee Meetings Join a Project or Connect with Partners Help to Create a Project Be Willing to Take a Leadership Role Attend F2F Meetings Mid-Year Meeting (MYM) in June Annual Conference in November Here are some ways for you to get involved. Ask for a Mentor: we have several people who are willing to work with new members and walk along with them for 3-6 months to bring them up to speed on what AgGateway is, and how to get the best value out of your membership. If your company is not new to AgGateway, you can probably find a mentor within your company. Either way, we can help you find someone to work with you! Attend Council meetings to find out what’s going on in AgGateway and the industry. Get involved in the discussions and working groups that resolve issues, implementation decisions, and pain points. This allows you to influence the projects and topics the council plans to address. Attend our face-to-face meetings in June & November. Our meetings can be intimidating for some people, so having a mentor or someone from your company who has been around AgGateway for a while will help to decide what sessions you should attend. Our face-to-face meetings are great opportunities to network with vendors, customers, and competitors trying to navigate these the Digital Agriculture roadways. You will meet allied providers who might be able to provide some solutions to your issues; if you’re an allied provider, there are a lot of potential clients who attend. Join or start a project to connect with your partners. Consider taking a leadership role. We help and train our leaders, and it is good for your resume and your professional development to be leader in an industry organization. Nikki: Chris, do we have any questions at this point? Reminder that if you have any questions, you can type them in your chat window so they can be addressed.
AgGateway’s Annual Meetings 2019 Mid-Year Meeting (MYM) June 10-13, 2019 Prairie Meadows, Altoona, IA 2019 Annual Conference: November 4-6, 2019 Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, LA Find our meeting under “Events” on the website! Nikki: (Slide 44) I would now like to remind you of our two face-to-face meetings: In June, we have the Mid-Year Meeting in Altoona, IA, which is more of a working meeting. Our upcoming annual conference will be in November in New Orleans, LA. Registration is currently open for the Mid-Year Meeting, and that link can be found on our website under the Events tab. (Turn over to Brian)
Questions You Want Answered?
Thank you! Questions or information about AgGateway Contact Member Services 866.251.8618 Member.Services@AgGateway.org Website: www.AgGateway.org Chris (Slide 45) Just to check, are there any questions we haven’t addressed? Please click the button to raise your hand and we will open up your microphone. This webinar covers the very basics of AgGateway and how you can get the more out of your membership. Within this one hour webinar, we can only scratch the surface of what is being accomplished, what is available, or how you can get involved; if you have any questions please contact Member Services, or you may find some of the information on our website at www.aggateway.org or the wiki Nikki just mentioned. We hope you will get involved with the Councils and Committees to find out more of what is going on and how it can help you be more effective with your connectivity and eAgriculture. We want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule today for this webinar! There will be a survey as the webinar ends. We would very much like to get your feedback on that survey. If you have any questions or need and information, please contact our Member Services at the phone or email address listed here. This ends this presentation. Have a great day!