Study of a logo for Project Comenius “Architecture” 1° IST. COMPRENSIVO “DANILO DOLCI” PRIOLO GARGALLO Study of a logo for Project Comenius “Architecture”
The study of a logo The following Powerpoint Presentation shows the steps followed by our Secondary School students who, under the constant, motivating, helpful guide of their Art teacher, Mrs Maria Teresa Toro, have worked out the logo .
This slide shows Priolo Gargallo symbols : the flamingo, The Basilica and the chimney.
The first sketch is the one where there is evidence of the main symbols, afterwards we proposed the two differently shaped versions on the top, the rectangular and the round ones.
This reproduces the sketch of the international logo in which the students started to put in evidence some elements of the partner countries.
Work in progress
This slide shows the students’ pencil drawings that represent the study of the architectural elements, symbols and colours of our Comenius countries, meant to develop the drawing of the final logo.
This slide shows the evolution of the study in different colours.