George Orwell (née Eric Arthur Blair) George Orwell was born in India in 1903. He left for England in 1907. After college he went back to India where he joined the imperial police like his father. In this experience grew up the disgust for the imperialist arrogance represented. He returned to England and approached to socialism. After the involvement in the Spanish civil war he became adverse to every kind of totalitarianism and in 1948 he published 1984. He died in 1950 for tuberculosis.
1984 Freedom Dystopian novel Criticism to totalitarianism Doublethink Winston, a man who lives in Oceania, feels oppressed by the totalitarian government ruled by the Big Brother and his Party. He falls in love with Julia and both try to upset the dictatorship. But they are identified by the Thought Police…. Freedom Dystopian novel Criticism to totalitarianism Doublethink Newspeak War