Introduction to Economics
WANT v. NEED What is the difference in a want and a need? A NEED is something necessary A WANT is something that is not required, but you would like to have it. Examples of NEEDS-water, shelter, food, clothing (in our society MONEY), medical care Examples of WANTS-more money, electronics, jewelry, brand name clothes
WANT v. NEED When can something be considered both a want and a need? MONEY-We need money to buy goods, but we want more money. CAR- We may want a car, but we also may need one to get to school/work. COMPUTER-Computers can be wants, but depending on your job/education it may also be a need.
WHAT IS ECONOMICS? Make a list of any choice you have made in the last 24 hours? What caused you to make that choice? (Ex.-I ate pizza at lunch b/c I like it and that is what I had enough money for. How does this choice impact the economy?
WHAT IS ECONOMICS? ECONOMICS-the study of how we make choices in a world full of limited resources. .
SCARCITY RESOURCES-the materials used to make products SCARCITY-There are not enough resources to satisfy our wants and needs, because our needs are endless. SCARCITY will always exist because no matter what we have we will always want and need more.
CHOICES Because we have limited resources, we are forced to make choices. TRADE-OFF-Choosing one thing for another. (EX) I have $20, the CD cost $15 and the shirt cost $18…I must make a trade-off. OPPORTUNITY COST-the value of the thing you gave up when making a trade-off. Any time you make a choice, you give something up.
GOODS vs. SERVICES GOOD-something tangible (you can touch it) that fulfills our wants and needs. Ex-Table, Clothes, IPOD, Food SERVICE-something intangible (can’t touch it) that fulfills our wants and needs Ex-Doctor doing surgery, Barber cutting hair, Gardner cutting the grass. Because of scarcity, we must pick and choose how we spend our time and money