America’s Back Door War The Dominican Republic The next domino?
“International Turmoil” 1948-1960- Malaysia 1949-China Falls to Mao 1954- President Eisenhower’s Domino Speech 1954- Communists force the French to leave Indochina & the U.S. picks up the fight. 1954- U.S. sponsors the overthrow of Guatemala’s leftist president, Jacobo Arbenz 1955- Fidel and Raul Castro set up a Cuban revolutionary movement in exile in Mexico. 1956 through 1959- Batista Gov. & the Castro brothers fight for Cuba. 1960-Fidel welcomes & Che trains Latin American officers for future revolutionary incursions. April 1961- America reacts with the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. May 1961- Trujillo Dictatorship collapses with murder of Rafael in the D.R. 1962-Kennedy faces down the U.S.S.R in the Cuban Missile Crisis 1966- Che sets up in Bolivia to overthrow the government. 1967- American Special Forces are sent to Bolivia to train the local army and in Oct. Che is defeated and killed by the Bolivians.
CHE GUEVARA 1928-1967
Dominican Turmoil 1961- Trujillo family flees / Military Triumvirate 1963- Left leaning Juan Bosch elected President 1963-1965- Pres. Bosh overthrown after three months and new Triumvirate is established. 1965- Col. Caamano heads the interim presidency in the name of Bosch. President Johnson sends in the U.S. Marines (Operation Power Pact) & Provisional President Hector Garcia-Godoy takes office. Col. Caamano is sent to England as a diplomat where he then escapes to Cuba and plots his return for the next 7 years.
Constanza Valley
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