Pneumonia: inflammatory illness of the lungs May result from bacterial, viral, parasitic, or fungi infections or chemical or physical injury Streptococcus Pneumoniae—most common cause
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Usually results when bacteria or viruses that are normally present in the nose, mouth, or throat enter the lungs These settle in the air sacs and multiply
Pneumonia ©
The lungs fill with fluid and pus while trying to fight the infection However, the cause may also be idiopathic
Over 3 million people in the US develop pneumonia each year Approximately 5% of these people die It is the 6th leading cause of death in the US
Chest X-Ray—Pneumonia ©http://www. med-ed. virginia
Signs and Symptoms Usually begins with cold-like symptoms Fever develops Chills Cough with sputum Usually discolored or bloody Breathlessness Chest pain (only if pleura is involved)
Person may become pallor…why?
Treatment Bacterial and fungal causes can be treated with antibiotics Vaccines available for two types of pneumonia
Pleura: thin, transparent membrane that covers the lungs and lines the inside of the chest wall The only place where pain fibers are found on the lungs are near the pleura
Pleura ©http://www. elib. gov. ph/edatabase/elibgetdb
Diagnosis Doctor may hear coarse breathing or crackling sounds when listening to the lungs Chest x-ray If one or more lobes of the lungs is affected: lobar pneumonia
Sputum sample Blood test Bronchoscopy Culture is grown and checked for bacteria Blood test White blood cell count Bronchoscopy
Normal Lung and Pneumonia ©http://content. answers
Lobar Pneumonia ©http://teaching. path. cam. ac