Jyrki Loima, Docent, Admin. Principal Entrepreneurship in Educational Organizations-Challenging the Organizational Culture? Keywords: education, entrepreneurship, (hidden) curriculum, culture, tradition, past, innovate, create Jyrki Loima, Docent, Admin. Principal 8/5/2019
Culture and Curricula-Bypassing the Past? ”Cultural tradition”- does it exist? male and female tradition and cultural roles Goal: past, present or future? subcultures and ”hidden ”curricula Key competences <= placing, timing and teaching philosophy/methodologies? The object of change or stability? 8/5/2019
Create and Innovate - Against All Odds? institutional structures as fences? curricula as an obstacle? how to teach or how to LEARN? emphasizing the output academic and artistic ”black boxes” as complex innovative working areas metasubject or not? 8/5/2019
Hidden Curricula – Still Another Metakognition? HidCu is a subcultural phenomen and survival strategy, which is produced by any institutional staff conciously/unconciously during a certain period (of changes) conservative, hierarchic, not renewable, social group-effect Affective and cognitive effect activitative and motivative effect 8/5/2019
Strategies of the Hidden Curricula - Personal Negations ”This is what/how WE have always done” ”Our basics is to teach, not to make business” ”we educate to all sectors of the future” ”I’m retiring and I do not have to change” ”I have selected teaching, not entrepreneurship” ”lol” 8/5/2019
Conclusions first, in addition to promoting environmetal change towards more free and innovative networks, we should reconsider the name of entrepreneurship education. Why? ”education” as such is far too often standardized, and fails to foster the skills or theoretic panoramas needed in innovative thinking and working… based on the image of an ”average Joe” an idea of intrapreneurship black boxes: come, learn, create and go! subcultural change 8/5/2019