Area and grid references help us to quickly locate places on maps. Mr Daly 8/07/2019 9:30 AM8/07/2019 9:30 AM Map Reference Area and grid references help us to quickly locate places on maps. 38 37 36 35 34 17 18 19 20 21 Northings Eastings Area and grid references rely on a grid of horizontal and vertical lines drawn over an area. The vertical lines are called Eastings. The horizontal lines are called Northings. To locate an area on a map you read the Easting number first then the Northing.
Map Reference Mr Daly 8/07/2019 9:30 AM8/07/2019 9:30 AM Grid references help us to quickly locate places on maps more accuratley. 38 37 36 35 34 17 18 19 20 21
Grid Reference: Can you locate the Airstrip? Mr Daly 8/07/2019 9:30 AM8/07/2019 9:30 AM 17 7 35 3