blustery Key Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK


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Presentation transcript:

blustery Key Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is blustery. Say it with me: blustery. Blustery means “very cold and windy.” You need a warm coat, gloves, and a hat to go outside on a blustery day in winter. 2. En español, blustery quiere decir “frío y ventoso.” Necesitas un abrigo, un par de guantes y una gorra para salir en un día frío y ventoso. 3. Now let’s look at a picture of a blustery day. See the people walking. You can tell it is a very cold day because there is snow on the ground. It is windy, too. You can see the snow blowing around because of the wind. The man is holding his hat so it does not blow off in the blustery weather. Brrrr!   MOVEMENT 4. Let’s pretend to be walking with the people in the picture. The wind is blowing very hard, and it is cold. Watch how I walk. (Demonstrate leaning as if walking into a forceful wind. Hug your arms around your body as if you are cold.) Now walk with me. Remember it’s a blustery, cold day! 5. Let’s act out how we would get dressed to go out on a blustery day. We will name some things we need to put on and then act out putting on each one. (Lead children in pantomiming putting on each item.) sweater warm socks coat gloves hat scarf boots 6. Now let’s say blustery together three more times: blustery, blustery, blustery. blustery

chilly Key Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is chilly. Say it with me: chilly. Chilly means “cold.” We sometimes feel chilly in the winter. When we feel chilly, we put on extra clothes. We might turn up the heat in the house or car. 2. En español, chilly quiere decir “frío, fresco.” En el invierno hace frío. Cuando hace frío, nos abrigamos. Le subimos la temperatura a la calefacción de la casa o del carro. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word chilly. We see children sledding on a snowy hill. They are bundled up in lots of clothes. There is a lot of snow. It must be a chilly day. The children will need to go inside soon to get warm.   PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner what you like to do in chilly weather. (If children live in a climate that is warm all year long, have them pretend they can take a trip to a chilly place and tell what they would do there.) 5. Show your partner what you do to warm up when you feel chilly. (Examples include: putting on more clothes, shivering, hugging their arms around their bodies) 6. Now let’s say chilly together three more times: chilly, chilly, chilly. chilly

cloud Key Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is cloud. Say it with me: cloud. A cloud is a white or gray puffy shape in the sky. Clouds are made of tiny drops of water. We often see clouds before a rain or snowstorm. 2. En español, cloud quiere decir “nube.” Una nube es una masa de gotas diminutas de agua. Una nube, que puede ser blanca o gris, está suspendida en el cielo. Antes de caer lluvia o nieve, hay nubes. 3. Now let’s look at a picture of clouds. (Point to individual clouds.) These are clouds. The wind makes them move along the sky. Sometimes people see the shapes of things in clouds. Do you see shapes in any of these clouds?   PARTNER TALK 4. Draw a cloudy sky. Make some of your clouds in shapes of animals or other things. Show your partner. See if he or she can tell what shape the clouds are in. 5. Think about how clouds look. We know they are really made of drops of water, but what do they look like they are made of? Tell your partner some ideas. (Examples include: cotton candy, vanilla ice cream, cotton balls) 6. Now let’s say cloud together three more times: cloud, cloud, cloud. cloud

drizzle Key Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is drizzle. Say it with me: drizzle. Drizzle means “very light rain.” A drizzle may be such a light rain that you do not need an umbrella. 2. En español, drizzle quiere decir “llovizna.” La llovizna es una lluvia muy ligera. Puede ser tan ligera que no se necesita paraguas. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows a drizzle. The children are outside in a drizzle. The rain is very light. It is not bothering the children. They are smiling because they are having fun. If it were raining hard, they would have to go inside or use umbrellas.   PARTNER TALK 4. One partner will draw a drizzle. The other partner will draw a hard rain. Then share your pictures and talk about what is the same and different about them. 5. Work with your partner to think of one thing a drizzle is like. (Examples include a drippy faucet, spray coming out of a spray bottle) 6. Now let’s say drizzle together three more times: drizzle, drizzle, drizzle. drizzle

weather Key Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is weather. Say it with me: weather. Weather is the condition of the air outside. The weather may be hot or cold. It may be rainy or sunny. What are some other weather words we know? 2. En español, weather quiere decir “tiempo, clima.” El tiempo se refiere a las condiciones del aire afuera. Puede hacer calor o frío. Puede ser un día lluvioso o soleado. ¿Qué otras palabras describen el tiempo? 3. Now let’s look at a picture of weather. (Point to the forecaster.) This person tells what the weather will be. (Point to the symbol in the box for Monday.) He shows that there will be some sun and some clouds on Monday.   MOVEMENT 4. Let’s think of ways to show different kinds of weather. Let’s show sunny weather. (Lead children in holding their hands above them in a ball shape to show a sunny day.) Let’s show rainy weather. (Lead children in fluttering their fingers from high to low to show rain. Continue in this way with other kinds of weather.) 5. We do different kinds of things in different weather. Each child will have a chance to act out something he or she likes to do outside. Then tell us what you are doing and we will name the kind of weather we do that activity in. 6. Now say weather three more times with me: weather, weather, weather. weather

open Function Words & Phrases Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use the word open to talk about things that we move from a closed position to a bigger, wider position. Say it with me: open. If a door is closed, you open it. Then you walk through it. 2. En español, to open quiere decir “cambiar de una posición cerrada a una posición más grande o más amplia; abrir.” Si una puerta está cerrada, hay que abrirla. Luego puedes pasar por ella. 3. This picture shows the word open. The girl is standing under an umbrella. She had to open the umbrella. It was raining and she didn’t want to get wet.   MOVEMENT 4. Close your eyes really tight. When I say “open,” open them. (Repeat three times.) 5. Now I’m going to give you a book. (You might have children take a book out of their desks instead.) Keep it closed. When I say “open,” open it. 6. Repeat the word three times with me: open, open, open. open

in Function Words & Phrases Unit 7 ● Week 1 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use the word in to tell about where someone or something is. Say it with me: in. In means “part of a space, place, or experience.” We are in the classroom. If we leave the classroom, we will be in the hall! 2. En español, in quiere decir “en.” En quiere decir “parte de un espacio, lugar o experiencia.” Estamos en el salón. Si salimos del salón, estaremos en el pasillo. 3. This picture shows the word in. This girl is standing in the rain. The rain is all around her.   CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I’m going to name some things we wear or use in the rain. Finish each sentence by saying: in the rain. We wear raincoats (in the rain.) We wear rain hats (in the rain.) We wear rain boots (in the rain.) We use an umbrella (in the rain.) 5. I’m going to describe some situations. You tell me where you’d like to be in each situation. It’s raining outside. Where would you like to be: in the rain or in your house? It’s time for lunch. Where would you like be: in the classroom or in the cafeteria? The librarian is reading a funny story. Where would you like to be: in the library or in the nurse’s office? 6. Repeat the word three times with me: in, in, in. in

raindrops Basic Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. raindrops

boots Basic Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. boots

umbrella Basic Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. umbrella

raincoat Basic Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. raincoat

flood Basic Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. flood

rainbow Basic Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. rainbow

Basic Words Unit 7 ● Week 1 ROUTINE Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.