Sustainable Network Model in Strategic Planning


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainable Network Model in Strategic Planning FORHP Rural Health Network Development Planning Breakout Session - All Programs Meeting – Bethesda, MD March 1, 2018 Eric Baumgartner, Technical Assistance Coach

This one page overview helps provide an organizing framework for planning grantees. The chart delineates the two types of effort required of the grantee – organizational development and program planning supported by Technical Assistance Coaching, Development and Support provided by CRL Consulting and grant-related activities supported by grant administration efforts from FORHP staff.

In the first quarter of the grant – the Setting the Stage phase – has one deliverable, the grantee directory, at the beginning of the quarter. Grantees are encouraged to start working on data gathering and analysis. This may include conducting a community health needs assessment if one has not been completed recently. This step may also include finding other available data and bringing it together for network partners to review, analyze and use to establish insights for decision making. This is also the time to start working on ensuring you have the right partners at the table and are solidifying the structure of the partnership.

The second quarter is focused on Strengthening your Organization The second quarter is focused on Strengthening your Organization. There are no additional deliverables in this quarter, but you ‘ll likely want and need to continue the data analysis and structure development efforts started in the first quarter.

As you move past the half-way point in the grant, you enter the “Acting as a Network” phase. In this quarter you’ll complete an external environmental scan and an inward-looking Network Organizational Assessment. The assessment is a required grant deliverable.

The fourth quarter of the grant marks a shift from evidence gathering – the months highlighted in green – to strategy development – highlighted in orange. Start your strategic plan by defining the strategies and action and then complete the network statement to help communicate your plan to stakeholders and key audiences. Note that technical assistance ends June 15. In the middle of this quarter, the sourcebook is required, too.

In the 90 days after the end of the 12 month grant period, you’re required to complete the PIMS Report and the FORHP final programming report.

One final point represented in this visual summary – the goal of these efforts is to help prepare your network to be ready to execute on high-leverage, short-term strategies and to help you develop the adaptive capacity, as a network, to address the evolving, long-term health challenges in your community.

Strategic Planning Elements and Action Network Statement Vision/Mission Network Organizational Self-Assessment (~S/W) Environmental Scan (~O/T) Informed also by Community Assessment Goals and Objectives For Sustainable Network and for Program Priorities Strategies Communications Plan Implementation Supported by Business and Sustainability Plans 9

Sustainable Network Model ©2016 Anderson Smith Consulting, LLC 10

Applying Sustainable Network Approach to Strategic Planning Scanning Internal = Organizational Assessment = S/W External = Environmental = O/T Continuous Inclusive of many perspectives internally and among partners (and community) Includes data, values and perceptions 11

Applying Sustainable Network Approach to Strategic Planning Sensemaking Internal = S/W External = O/T Continuous Inclusive of many perspectives internally and among partners (and community) Inform Vision/Mission refresh Inform Goals/Objectives and Strategies 12

Applying Sustainable Network Approach to Strategic Planning Leveraging Plan around power of partnerships to align assets and opportunities To mitigate barriers and to seize aspirational opportunities To inform goals and strategies 13

Applying Sustainable Network Approach to Strategic Planning Adding Value Strategic planning for both: Community Health Goals And, growing the shared experience and capacity among network partners to continuously strengthen the network for future and sustained success together 14

Where do you feel you have strength around strategic planning? Reflective Questions Where do you feel you have strength around strategic planning? Where do you have concerns? In your experience, what have you found helpful in strategic planning to share with peers? What would you seek in TA support? 16

Thank you!