Unit 6 Cycles Section 5 Renewable/Nonrenewable Resources and Fossil Fuels Part 2 Access Biology
Check out this NewsELA article…
Check out these two articles discussing banning straws Check out these two articles discussing banning straws. What are the pro’s and con’s of this ban?
Renewable or non-renewable? You decide… Renewable or non-renewable?
Directions: For each item mark whether it is an R or N, R-renewable natural resource or a N-nonrenewable natural resource.
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Additional activities from 2 sources, click each image for links
Additional Supports/Resources Visit this site, they have guides, worksheet and materials for instruction at a variety of levels to support content. http://www.need.org/energyinfobooks
See next slide for discussion questions related to carreers Interested in exploring careers related to clean energy? Visit this site to learn more https://www.green360careercatalyst.net/ See next slide for discussion questions related to carreers
Discussion Questions and Extension Activities What are some ways that humans used renewable resources for energy centuries or even millennia ago? Research what kind(s) of renewable energy your state produces. Why is your state an optimal location for that form of renewable energy? Choose a renewable energy resource. Brainstorm three to five types of jobs in that field. Research a new and innovative technology in each of the renewable energy categories. What are the benefits of the new technologies? What are the risks? Which area (solar, wind, etc.) sounds the most exciting to you? Why? Discussion Questions and Extension Activities
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Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals, buried deep inside the Earth for millions of years. Coal, oil and natural gas are fossil fuels. Fossils fuels are a non- renewable resource What are fossil fuels?
What are fossil fuels, click image to learn more
When they’re gone…they’re gone Over a long, long time, heat and pressure has turned these remains into fossil fuels. We call coal, oil and natural gas. Today, fossil fuels are mined and burned to release the energy stored inside them. But we can’t make fossil fuels. When they’re gone…they’re gone
Learn more by clicking on the image…
Learn more about the pro’s and con’s of fossil fuel in this NewsELA article...
Fossil fuels are also efficient and produce a lot of energy. Many energy systems across the world are built upon the reliance of fossil fuels, changing this system would be very expensive and time consuming. Fossil fuels are also efficient and produce a lot of energy. Fossil fuels are relatively cheap and accessible.
The Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels When burned, carbon stored inside fossil fuels is released into the atmosphere as a gas known as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is causing global warming. Burning petrol (made from oil) in cars pollutes the air we breathe. Power plants burn oil and coal to make electricity and release poisonous gases into the air. These gases cause air pollution and acid rain.
Learn more in this article on fossil fuels…
Read about air pollution at Tarheelreader.org Click image to start story
Fossil Fuels Experiment Materials needed: Chocolate chip cookies – relatively hard cookies work best (1 per student) Toothpicks (1 per student plus extras) Plates (1 per student) Cookie Mining worksheets For full lesson plan click on cookies Fossil Fuels Experiment
Fossil Fuel Experiment-Oil
What is Acid Rain? Click for short video… Some things that we use every day to make our lives easier are also causing pollution. One form of pollution is acid rain. Acid rain can damage plants, animals, soil, water, building materials, and people. Burinng fossil fuels creates acid rain through air pollution. The air pollution created when these fuels burn does not stay in the air forever. It can return to the earth as acid rain. What is Acid Rain? Click for short video…
Air Pollution, click image for a short video…
Global Warming, click image for a short video…
Environmental Damages from Oil Spill