Comparing drug sensitivity predictions from different data types in melanoma and endometrial cancer cell lines. Comparing drug sensitivity predictions from different data types in melanoma and endometrial cancer cell lines. (A) Drug sensitivity predictions from transcriptomic data compared with randomly shuffled background distributions (N = 1,024). (B) Drug sensitivity predictions based on transcriptomic, proteomic, or combined (late integration) data in melanoma cell lines. Only cell lines, which had data of all three types genomic/transcriptomic/proteomic were used for model building. (C) Drug sensitivity predictions in endometrial cancer cell lines based on models trained in melanoma, using only proteomic signals measured in both datasets. (D) Drug sensitivity predictions based on proteomic, transcriptomic, or combined data in endometrial cancer cell lines. Drugs which were predictive in the melanoma to endometrial cross-model in (C) are marked with an asterisk. Mattias Rydenfelt et al. LSA 2019;2:e201900445 © 2019 Rydenfelt et al.